Looking for player(s) to co op runs?
6 years ago
United Kingdom

Didn't know were to find speed run players so i'm asking here. Just wondering if anyone is interested? I have practiced the basic tricks and skills for the main campaigns, like throw boosting with my friend however they seems like they wanna give up in a week. Just asking if anyone wants to practice l4d2 speedrun stuff for fun. I'll admit i'm nowhere near pro yet.

North Carolina, USA

Hello new person! You can join the L4D Speedrunning Discord and see if anybody there is interested, it's where we all hang out. There is a Co-op channel you can write in, and also ask any questions about how to run the game if you have any.


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Original Campaigns has moved to category extensions

This was meant to be done many months ago, but the time and motivation simply didn't exist to make it happen. Unfortunately, due to limitations of speedrun.com and how the category extensions board is laid out, this does mean we lost the players variable (the variable used to filter co-op runs for 2

18 days ago
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