스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

I didn't mean to create any problems, The fact that I'm not a native english speaker is making the communication a little difficult. So, let's reason together... First of all, I want to make some things clear:

1º - I agree with using ePSXe's latest version (2.0.5) (Due these questions of emulation preciseness)

2° - About the use of Dchaps's script, I always used it since it came out. But since on the Easy Any%, Easy Good+, Normal Good+ and UFO categories the number of kills and items you get doesn't make difference, I used it only to keep track of In Game Time.

3º - When I got the 10-Star WR, the script hadn't came out yet, since it came out on 3/9/16 and I submited the WR over an year ago.

4º - Responding to Radgecast about the kill's and item count: "When I was trying the 10-Star WR, I used two instances of Livesplit" "One counting melee kills and the other counting shooting kills" (I did that manually pushing a key on my keyboard)

About the items count, ALL of the 150 items necessary for the 10-Star run were pre-defined by heart before the gameplay" (Yes, I memorized EVERY item that I needed to get)

5º - About the script I spoke about with shunpuk some time ago, the script (.asl) was created on that time to be used in the Bizhawk emulator. (Punchy even tested this script live on stream, to test if it effectively work) AND IT DID.

However, my laptop at the time was too weak and I suffered with performance inconsistencies on Bizhawk, So, I didn't use the first script that was released.

6º - Regarding the lightning subject on 2.0.5 version, personaly I compared them side by side and I didn't see too much of a difference, but it doesn't affect anything to me, so, ePSXe 2.0.5 is perfectly ok for me.

7º - I was reluctant on the emulator update subject because... (Dchap's script shows us In Game Time in Real Time, personaly having the IGT shown in real time is important for my gameplay)

8º - What I'd like to have is a script that shows IGT working on ePSXe 2.0.5, NOTHING ELSE.

9º - I think it would be interesting to create SEPARATE categories by systems (consoles and emulators) to keep the leaderboard more organized.

10º - About the possible emulator cheating subjects...

  • I think removing the 10-Star on emulator is not interesting, WHY?

  • 10-Stars is an available category in the game, One of the most challenging in my opinion.

  • Because if we think that the category can be cheated (ex:. kill / item count) ok...

  • But different kinds of cheating could also be done in other categories (ex: Health control,Timer control and other things)

  • With that being said, in my opinion removing emulation from all categories would be too drastic.

  • Considering that the absolute majority of the board is done on emulation. (due to the factor of how practical emulation is)

  • So, these are all the observations that I want to make about the leaderboard and the possible changes.

  • I believe that separating the categories between emulator and consoles will put an end to the problem.

Turbodog702 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

I imagine that if the script was available, it was with the finalizade to be USED or not?

If not, what's the point of making available a script if we can not use it?

DELIBERATELY the decision provide a script that ASSIST in gameplay and simply NOT USE IT!

If you SuccinctAndPunchy do not want to accept the run's ok, no problem for me.

But this will have to be applied to the Bawkbasoup gameplay's because during his gameplay's, the script that READS the IGT and shows in REAL time was USED, and you can NOT ignore it.

Any%, Easy Good+ and UFO, in Bawkbasoup's gameplay's are there, IN SCREEN to ALL OF US to see.

The script has there, reading the IGT in REAL TIME and ANYONE can see that.

I'm just pointing out some facts that seem to be being ignored.

I used the script to get information on the counts of kill's / items in 10 stars, OK!

But I also used the script ONLY (Let me say again, ONLYYYYYYYYYY) to see the IN GAME TIME in REAL TIME while I was playing the OTHER CATEGORIES.

And therefore, the Bawkbasoup and I (we use a METHOD) showing the IGT in real time.

What if my gameplay's are to be REMOVED, what will you do about the Bawkbasoup's gameplay's... which has the same "problem" than mine, TECHNICALLY speaking.

Another thing, the script was kindly made and available and NOBODY (I repeat NOBODY) until YESTERDAY, questioned the use of it.

And it was NOT said in NOWHERE that use the script provided by Dchaps COULD NOT BE USED.

The rules here are very misinformed, and thus opening to "problems" like this.

I will remove myself for this competition because I do not like the "sudden" changes of the rules that occurred here.

Until two days ago, EVERYTHING NORMAL.

There were no questions about anything.

So a player (who is also a moderator) suddenly decided to change the rules of the competition.

I ask kindly to the other moderators in question, have a little more attention and make the rules ABSOLUTELY CLEAR IN EVERYTHING.

In order to avoid future problems like this.

TheNevs 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

You guys are UNBELIEVABLE!

AlekStation97 그리고 AndreaRovenski 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

You said you created an .asl that works on ePSXE 2.0.5. Wouldn't it be the case of you gently grant it to us? I'm just ASKING that.

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

Is there an script (ASL) available that works on ePSXe 2.0.5?

I use dchaps' script to see the IGT on other categories (and to count kills and items on 10-Star). Once I use ths script do see IGT, how can I ignore the kill/item counter?

Eventually, if someone (or dchaps himself) create an script just to see IGT ON ePSXe 2.0.5, it's ok for me, since it's impossible not to look to the kill/item counter on Dchaps script when I play 10 Stars.

You guys have to agree with me, it's impossible to ignore that.

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

Considering that the script is not allowed (apparently, scripts are not allowed only AFTER YOU beat the record in this category that is considered the hardest)

It's interesting to notice that in the former record (Bawkbasoup) script was allowed (we can notice that when the timer stops when between doors). (in NG (Easy) / NG Good+ (Easy) AND UFO)

Particularly, I don't only run 10-Star, for which the script is used to keep track of enemies killed and stuff, what can we do about keeping track of time? (To see the IGT on Dchaps script)

Bawkbasoup got the UFO WR for 3 months and the use of the scripts (that show IGT in real time) were not questioned.

Punchy, I have nothing against you or any problem with you, but your attitude reagarding this new rule is totally out of context, since until 28 days ago Bawkbasoup HAD the WR on NG (Easy) and he USED the script to read the IGT in REAL TIME. I respect every moderator of this community, however, you're the least prepared on the Silent Hill 1 leaderboards.

I understand that the use of the script for 10-Star may be an advantage, but not allowing the use of the script to keep track of IGT is at least lack of sense, since a script that shows IGT doesn't affect anything on the gameplay itself (as I told you, I understand it may be an advantage on 10-Star, but not at the other categories.

That being said, I hope that there's a fair reformulation of the categories. Otherwise I'll take my runs off from here. After all, the script was used for weeks and nobody questioned. Only after YOU beat the time, you want to adjust the rules to your taste and I sincerly don't agree with that.

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian7 years ago

So, epsxe 2.0.0 AND 2.0.5 runs are allowed?

Since AT LEAST ePSXe 2.0.0 is allowed, I imagine that it's not necessary to have the latest version (2.0.5), right?

I only need to be above 1.9.0? I like to use 2.0.0 because of dchaps' SH_SRT v0.10, that does not work on 2.0.5.

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

As punchy said, it did not matter (but it was luck)

Because on Easy % category, we took only two shotgun ammo boxes, so we only have 24, + 6 on shotgun = 30

And Punchy used precisely the 30 shell's... holy shit hahaha

6 on Split Head 2 on tha nurse (after the plates puzzle) 6 on worm 15 on moth and then 1 to break that lock (to reach the sewers)

Even the gameplay being with bullets adjust in x3, made no difference.

Because the amount of ammunition was used precisely.

And the gameplay on Easy Good+, the use was normal, and even "left" 9 shell's.

Everything's is in order \o/

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

Playing on Easy, EVEN if you set the adjust bullets in 2, the ammunition continues coming in twice.

The easy mode is as if the bullets adjust x2 were already activated.

And therefore, even if you manually put (bullets adjust in x2) the amount of ammunition is not changed

ONLY if the amount of bullets adjust goes above of 2x.

The fact is that even if you were not aware of the problem, the game was played with a NG+ content.

So I imagine the right thing to do (following the rules of the category) would not validate the run's.

The gameplay has been played for some time, ok.

But this does not seem right because the other players are playing by the rules, without adjust bullets.

Don't get me wrong Punchy, I mentioned this, but it's because I like this game so much.

And I would like to see the community and the game is being conducted as it should be.

Following the rules.

As we have to proceed through this minor inconvenience?

The run's still valid? will be removed? You intend to play again?

I thank you for your attention. :-)

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

First of all I would like to say that I noticed two "little problems"

Punchy has the WR's in 2 categories, NG (Easy) and NG (Easy) Good+ .

I was watching the Punchy's run on NG (Easy) when I noticed something about the amount of ammunition from his shotgun (in the school)

I don't know if the other players have noticed, but when the gameplay is played on Easy, the ammo come in double (by default)

The "problem" happens when Punchy picks up the shotgun ammo on top of a chair (at the alternative school)

Considering the gameplay is played on Easy, that one box of shotgun shells could only have 12 ammunition, right?

I noticed this problem when Punchy was to use the rubber ball, when he opened the items menu, I saw the amount of shotgun shell's and was 18 and not 12 as originally should be.

(Taking into consideration the fact that the gameplay being played on easy, and then the ammo comes in twice)

I did my own tests here, I played to get to school and when I was to pick up that ammo (on the chair) I looked at the menu, and to my surprise, I only owned 12 shell's.

I used a save state in that part before I took the ammo, and then I put the bullets adjust in 3x and to my surprise, when I picked up the ammo, there were 18 units of shotgun shell's.

So I believe the Punchy have not noticed this issue about the ammo.

So it seems the game was with the bullets adjust in 3x.

And therefore, by the rules of the category, the run is not valid, It's correct?

By using an exclusive content of a NG+ category.

And the same "problem" applies in the NG (Easy) Good+ run.

The two gameplay's has the same "problem"

I realized this "problem" and thought it would be of interest to other players.

So I shared the information.

sorry Punchy :-/ "

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

Ok man, I appreciate your attention.

Don't worry about the run of 32:57.

I will play again.

It was just a misunderstanding and has now been solved.

Rheinmetall 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

Speaking about the "macro" of quickturn.

No, I don't use Punchy, If you and any other user noticed, I play the game using the Walk/Run in reverse.

I hold the SQUARE (button) when I use the L1 and R1 to perform the quick turn for Harry did not rush out to the sides.

I apologize if I seem ignorant of what I'll say, But you (or any other Silent Hill players), which is the difficulty you have to press 2 buttons simultaneously?

I commented about the use Xpadder yes, I USE the Xpadder BUT NOT to perform a quick turn's, I use Xpadder in order to use the two triggers of my controller simultaneously.

As I mentioned, I use the XBOX ONE controller, And I don't know what happens, but in some games when the two triggers are pressed at the same time they simply turn off.

That is, if I use the configured control directly by the emulator (at least the 2 triggers) if I aim and I want to use the viewing angle button, the controller DON'T ALLOW ME.

In this case, YES, I HAVE to use Xpadder.

Speaking about the use of the Self View in a New Game category.

On one occasion you were making a stream, And we were talking about the question of using the Self View in a run NG.

And YOU said the other players MAYBE would not see problems with the use of Auto Vista in a NG run.

And Then I played (using the Self View) and the run was not accepted.

That is, as you had commented that MAYBE would have no problem, I played.

I have not acted in bad faith in the game, I just played with the possibility of using a NG+ option be accepted or not on a NG run.

I do not ignored what you said, because neither you (to that point) Could tell me exactly it would be a problem or not to use the Self View in the NG run.

That's it, and on the issue of macro use (quick turn) was not smart of me to have commented on that.

I know it put my run's in doubt, but I know my abilities in that game.

I'm waiting for some feedback from you.

Punchy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

Where is my runs ?

Some explanation for what happened?

스레드: The Site
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

Hi folks, I would like to ask (via this message) If there was a possibility that I could be one of the moderators of the game Silent Hill 1.

I know the game in absolutely 100% , And I run just this game (And so, I could be contributing with future friends who choose to speedrun this great game.

I'm absolutely obsessed with this game hahaha... And it could help new players with the best way possible.

Because I like the game and I like to see new people playing this classic of the 90s.

I appreciate everyone's attention. "C ya!" :-)

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

My notebook unfortunately can not process both simultaneously.

If I play (transmitting) and recording AT THE SAME TIME, the game runs slow in my notebook.

But okay, then I'll have to play again.

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian8 years ago

I was playing today (29/08/15) and the OBS disconnected and reconnected the gameplay for 1 time.

The OBS disconnected the gameplay when I was examining the doghouse.

And when the OBS reconnected, I was inside the house (the doghouse) and I was taking the handgun ammo on the table on the left side of the screen.

The gap between the part where I was examining the doghouse for when I was picking up ammo handgun was 5 or 6 seconds (I think) was no more than this time.

So I wonder if I could use some software to (joining) these two parts of the gap between the doghouse and while I was already inside the house picking up ammo handgun.

Then submit the gameplay (if possible)

If is not possible to submit the gameplay with this little gap, I'll have to play again (making local recording with OBS)

So I'm kindly asking whether it is possible or not (submitting gameplay with this small gap)

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian9 years ago

I made the gameplay, but for 3 or 4 times, the gameplay was disconnected and reconnected (automatically) (I was using the OBS)

And I finished the game with less than 57:10 (1st place regarding the radgecast user)

But my gameplay was recorded in two parts!

How should I proceed to submit this time?

스레드: Silent Hill
Brazilsamuca_brazilian9 years ago

I was playing today (05/29/15) and the OBS disconnected and reconnected the gameplay for 3 or 4 times (when it happened this problem)

How do I submit my time, since this "problem" happened.

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