스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile4 years ago

Video proof is required for run verification.

Otterstone_Gamer 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile4 years ago

There was an issue with the old link. This one should work. https://neiunderscore.github.io/2048-timer/

Drace194 그리고 KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Ohio, USALumophile4 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot about the Wi-Fi. It was bad. Not your fault.

알 수 없음
Ohio, USALumophile4 years ago

Overall: event was dope and significantly more fun than last year in just about every way when it was already awesome.

Venue was cool and free passes to the water park were a nice perk. Our room felt like a luxury suite with two queens and bunk beds. We ordered a rollaway, not knowing the room had bunk beds, and ended up not using it. Thankfully they didn't charge us for it like they were supposed to. We asked to be conjoined with another room and they ended up putting our rooms next door to each other which was good enough. We probably would've only booked one room for the 7 of us had we known about the bunk beds.

Event room was kinda cool having it all in one place because I could practice and be in the stream room and watch the runs live at the same time instead of on a projector screen or TV from another room. I did feel like I had to whisper, worrying I'd be picked up by the table mic or bother the runner or something, but I later realized anything short of screaming wasn't going to be an issue. Speaking of the table mic, it was cool to have the whole couch mic'd up without headsets, but not everyone was picked up clearly. I understand that's just because of the conic pickup range of the mic so maybe have two next year or something, idk.

I ran KQC I-VII and tech was super helpful when setting up. I was very nervous, being the first person to ever do this run live, and honestly not sure what to expect, not knowing the things that would be easy to overlook or forget, etc. Setup went well and the run went off without a hiccup, mostly. My one complaint is that I had a commentator via Discord call (he couldn't travel internationally) and he was forced to watch the stream in order to hear what I was saying and therefore heard what I said with a delay. This made dialogue nearly impossible, but I understand why it was this way. With more time we should have been able to fix him not hearing me in real time because to be honest I didn't know that was the case when the run started and I was already panicking because I was almost 15 minutes past start time because I had to install so much on the stream PC. If the run before mine wasn't on the same PC I could've done it before but I also could've done it earlier in the week so that's all on me.

I'm sure there's more to be said, but it's generally all praise which means do it like you did it this year and we're good. So here's what you asked for: What did we do well? Basically everything. What did we not do well? Basically nothing. What do you want for next NASA? USA venue might be cool, but I have no problem with it staying where it was in Canada this year.

Already looking forward to NASA 2020.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

Yeah, you posted a racial slur. We don't take kindly to that.

SpikyLlama, NickySteingraber 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

You edited the game code to make more tiles appear. Cool cheat.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

You could use the same exact method on a touchscreen computer.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

We have already explained to you that we are in the process of combing through the leaderboard and rejecting runs that do not fit the current rules. Unfortunately, some work was lost when SR.C was hacked and the site owners were forced to restore a previous backup. Your runs were denied because they broke the rules - plain and simple. 2048 has a very low cost to entry, all things considered. The game is free and most people already have a phone or computer capable of running the game and there is plenty of free software out there to record runs. Investing maybe $20 in a webcam is probably one of the lowest barriers to entry I have heard of in speedrunning.

SaturnTheWolf 그리고 Frikkinfriks14 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

I believe certain applications will display where you are touching on iOS. The alternative, and what I plan to do if I ever get around to it, is to have a camera pointed at my phone. Either are adequate proof for touchscreen runs.

Much of the leaderboard is under review and some verified runs may become rejected in the future to conform to the rules that have been brought about after some current runs were approved.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

Personally, I think the top runs (WR and maybe up to top 3 or 5 depending on popularity) ought to require some proof of the runner actually performing the run, whether it be on touchscreen or keyboard. The decision is not mine to make though and the community decided that a hand cam is too much of a barrier to entry in such an small community. If this is something you feel strongly about, I suggest you bring it up in the Discord. If enough support is voiced in favor of requiring hand cam, we can bring it to a vote.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

If you don't have a point in this discussion, then don't post on this thread.

It's good to know that you think this is what shitposting looks like.

In case you haven't noticed, there has been much deliberation lately on what is legal, allowed, fake, etc. and we are doing our best to come up with a consistent system where the four individuals who have the authority to verify runs are verifying all of the proper runs and only the proper runs. Your runs have been waiting for almost 6 days. While that may seem like a long time, all runs submitted are intended to stay on the leaderboard forever so we prefer to be cautious and only verify runs appropriately rather than be hasty and make mistakes. Thank you for understanding.

SaturnTheWolf 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

You can do this spam that you refer to with the NKRO glitch on either PC or mobile. It depends on having a keyboard that supports NKRO connected to your device and not the device itself. The device you're using (PC or mobile) is irrelevant. What does matter is how you use your device - keyboard or touchscreen. This is why the leaderboard is setup how it is. The community was polled and was in overwhelming agreement on this.

Your feelings towards the triviality and randomness in the smaller tile categories is shared with other runners. The small tile categories have been moved to miscellaneous and may be further removed to the IL leaderboard in the future. The main categories remain, as the game was intended to be played, creating large tiles (2048+).

SaturnTheWolf, Frikkinfriks14, 그리고 Rubiksmath 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

According to the rules, runs in the touch screen category must show touches. Runs that were approved prior have been rejected. According to Rubik's post in Discord, he has resolved his issue of showing touches. I eagerly await new video submissions showing touches and will gladly verify them.

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

Do you know if it uses the code from the original version of the game? If it does, we will gladly add it as another valid version.

For reference, the following link directs to the original game: https://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

"How is this even possible with a touch screen interface?" It's possible on mobile if you connect a keyboard to your mobile device. That's why the leaderboard was already changed from desktop and mobile to keyboard and touch screen.

"You've said both that the glitch is version specific and that it is consistent across OS and device; these statements are contradictory." I don't know what you didn't understand about what Windex said or why you think those statements are contradictory, but I can give you my interpretation. Version specific - works differently in different versions. Consistent across OS and device - anyone using any given OS or device will have the same results as others using the same OS or device.

"I've already had a mod tell me more than once what I'm not allowed to say (which is ridiculous)" Who, when, and where?

"despite the fact that I've been nothing but respectful" It seems like I'm not the only one who disagrees with this statement.

Wind_ex 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

Yes, I did say we want everyone on an even playing field. So far, everyone is. It's not specific to your OS. It depends on your keyboard as we have discussed prior in both forum posts and on Discord. The glitch is not banned because the community discussed it at length and was in overwhelming support of allowing the glitch. If you don't want to compete against it, then don't. If you're going to complain that you don't have access, then get a keyboard that supports NKRO. This is just as reasonable as requiring people to get a webcam for their runs to be verified. To quote you (https://www.speedrun.com/2048/thread/25i60) "Can we please make a rule that the video must show hands on keyboard?"

스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago


A quick Google search yields multiple results for free solutions to record your Android device with your PC. You don't need to cast to a TV, you don't need someone else to help you, and you don't have to spend hours uploading video because it is recorded directly to your PC.


If you don't like the original version, feel free to use this version that Nei has written. It's primarily geared towards being used on desktop so it isn't as aesthetically pleasing on mobile, but still functions correctly. He has plans to make it more mobile friendly when time allows.

38th strongest phone doesn't exactly sound like a powerhouse.

SaturnTheWolf 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

The gap between places shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not someone runs the game. When I said an external option, I meant a device that captures the screen, not a person hovering over you with a camera. As stated in the rules, showing touches is required.

SaturnTheWolf 그리고 DracaarysTrophy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

The apps that are allowed for runs are the original game and a select few that also use the original game's code. We want everyone on an even playing ground.

If your phone slows down while using on-board software to record, I suggest trying an external method.

Not sure why you're sandbagging your runs. Generally, that's frowned upon.

SaturnTheWolf 그리고 DracaarysTrophy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: 2048
Ohio, USALumophile5 years ago

That video says in the description that it's a proof of concept and not a recording. To my knowledge, it's never been performed legitimately.

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