Hidden Breakable Block in Sewer for shortcut
7 years ago

Hi! I am new extremely new to speedrunning and wanted to learn this game as one of the first games to run. I am currently playing the PC version and for now I am messing around with mechanics, when I stumbled upon this hidden breakable block. I looked it up and couldnt find it mentioned anywhere so I was wondering if anyone else noticed it and/or if this in any way is helpful in runs... I know I am not the first one to find this (cant be :P) just questioning its usefulness.

The block leads to a shortcut passage effectively skipping all of the right side of the sewers. Here are pictures: Hidden block location: http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu99/sidkit/2017-02-21_01-57-39.png End of shortcut: http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu99/sidkit/2017-02-21_01-59-39.png

This does not help much with Flesh pops gathering though so maybe its slower?

편집한 사람 작성자 7 years ago
California, USA

Yeah that's not used because at most you would get 4 flesh pops from the 2 snakes in the last room and that's not nearly enough. You would also miss out on a good amount of gems so you wouldn't be able to have a super pike ball for the spider

편집한 사람 작성자 7 years ago
Illinois, USA


Whether we use that shortcut or not really depends on the category. In Pirate mode OoB categories, we don't use it for the reasons seanpr gave. For categories where we don't really care about having extra flesh pops, like any% Pirate No-OoB, or in Normal No-OoB categories where we can't get the brochure right away (there is a hole near the upper-right corner of the platform that you can shoot through with the pistol), it is used.

편집한 사람 작성자 7 years ago

Hey guys,

Ok, this makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the info!

Maryland, USA

yo devious diddy, you should join the Wayforward speedrunning discord, you could ask these questions to everyone directly (not that id be much help) and hang out with us. the link is in the resources but ill post it here, join up my dood. https://discord.gg/Tfws5

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