Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 days ago

No solution. The game basically crashes. If running on PC, go into the Task Manager/Details, find ShantaeCurse.exe and right-click on it to Set Affinity. The game will crash less if you only have 1 processor selected rather than All. Game can still crash this way, but is less likely.

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr5 days ago

You need to do a Delayed Dash. The trick would be to charge your dash in the previous screen, go through the transition and then as the next screen fades in, launch your dash. I have included a clip of my stream doing this. Check the input display in the bottom left corner of my stream for the inputs.

I will put the above through Google Translate, so please excuse the mess of the below...

지연 대시를 수행해야 합니다. 비결은 이전 화면에서 대시를 충전하고 전환을 거친 후 다음 화면이 페이드 인되면서 대시를 시작하는 것입니다. 이 작업을 수행하는 내 스트림 클립을 포함했습니다. 내 스트림의 왼쪽 하단에 있는 입력 디스플레이에서 입력 내용을 확인하세요.

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr1 year ago

In relation to the Dark Room after the submarine ride: Yes, that's a thing that can happen. It's something that has existed since Half-Genie Hero. A frame perfect skip of dialogue interrupts the loading of the screen entirely, leaving the room dark. It is something that can occur in any such case where a dialogue can start. So, be wary of it as it can happen for the Risky fights as well.

スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr2 years ago

We finally have this fully hashed out, and the Rules view reflects as much.

Decided to not split boards for GBA Enhanced vs. GBC for now. Will have to revisit depending on enough interest and competition to require it, but with Version selection, it will separate runs in board for now.

tldr; Must also acquire all Fireflies (12), Heart Containers (7), Dances (including Tinkerbat in GBA Enhanced runs), Transformation Skills, and Fighter's Gear from shop (Boot, Sash, Cuff, Tiara), and Baby Warp Squids (20).

All Fireflies and Warp Squids must be turned in as they all lead to specific Dances to be learned.

スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr2 years ago

Sorry that we didn't respond to this sooner. Series mods are currently discussing what this category constitute and we will certainly update the rules and category to list the requirements.

For now, our thoughts are: All Fighter's Gear from shop All Dances (Included town warp dances) All Warp Squids have to be picked up All Fireflies All Transformation Talisman All Heart Containers

Tinkerbat Transformation not allowed due to be a GBA enhancement, thusly not available in every version. Though we could discuss GBA only stuff, but we would want tangible interest before we would consider it.

スレッド: DuckTales: Remastered
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr3 years ago

Oh wow. We had debated including this game in the WayForward Speedrunning Discord years ago, but didn't because we heard it existed within the DuckTales Discord, and didn't want to step on their toes.

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

Thanks for sharing. This is a nice find to shave some extra time off this mode. Hopefully, someone who runs this will find the tech useful in their endevours.

Johann_J これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

@ShikenNuggets We will talk amongst ourselves about that before I say yes. They were one of our primary glitch hunters and though they've not been active around here, we do see them active on Twitch here and there. And with the new game, they may become active again, so for now, I'm fine leaving them there unless something happens for the meantime.

Appreciate you following up on it. Have a good one!

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

Yes, very similar to current ones in play. Wondering if this new one might be more consistent than current methods. Thanks for sharing!

Pear これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

Sorry to come back on this, but 15 days ago @ShikenNuggets advised our request of removal of inactive moderators in the Shantae and the Pirate's Curse leaderboard (https://www.speedrun.com/satpc) was handled. I still see the requested mods are still in place on the board. Can you please confirm?

スレッド: The Site
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

To whom it may concern, Asking for the removal of a couple of Super Moderators in the https://www.speedrun.com/satpc leaderboard. We have, as a community asked directly for the users to remove themselves, but they have not done so as well. A number of months ago, we had a breach of one of our Mods where the board was altered by some YouTuber (as I'm sure many other boards have experienced over time). We were able to restore the damage, but want to further limit our exposure by removing a couple of inactive Mods that have had no activity or point of contact. As all of use are currently Super Moderator, we cannot remove them ourselves.

The requested accounts we'd like to remove as Moderator for this board is Zeplins and taconator7. One of these accounts hasn't been active in 4 years. The other has been 6 months, but has not been active in the community, nor been supportive in moderation of the game in question in much longer of a time.

If there is any more information required, please reach out to me.

スレッド: Indivisible
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

There might be some need for version control. I have a digital PS4 copy and am forced on whatever new patch is there.

That said, 1.07 actually enforces mandatory encounters during the breakout that adds time by default as they were once skipped. I think some fights have increased HP as well in some of the mid-game parts, but that could just me being bad).

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

The best I can say is that if you're on the block position-wise, it's just learning the proper amount of jump required. It's obviously not a full jump. It's not a tap jump either. There's a middle ground for the amount of jump that will get you in there, and you just need to find that happy place where you get a feel for being able to get it consistently.

TheGamingDwiz これを好き
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr4 years ago

Can't think of anything specifically. The game is maybe a little janky on 3DS, but runs pretty much the same. Just do your best!

Pear これを好き
スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr5 years ago

Thanks for the discourse regarding. I have now added Debug% with the specific rule set as described by WinnerBit to the Leaderboard. Happy running!

BubSpiegel これを好き
スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr5 years ago

Heya, Bub. Just letting you know that we've not necessarily forgotten about this. With me being the only active mod of this game for now and my very busy life, it gets put on the back burner. I am waiting for WinnerBit to take a look at your Video and provide feedback. The main thing is that we believe it needs a specific name/rule set before we determine how best to make a category of it. Outside of that, it's good stuff! A lot like Pirate Mode of SatPC or Hero Mode in HGH.

Question, when you set up the stuff from the menu, do you also stack your inventory full of items out of the get-go?

BubSpiegel これを好き
スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr5 years ago

Yeah, that's fine. I feel that before we add any category for it, it needs some definition. Debug% is open to interpretation so it's a bit cloudy without some sort of definition, but I see what you're aiming for here. We're discussing it on the side in the WayForward Discord as a community as well to determine how we want to approach this request.

スレッド: Shantae
Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr5 years ago

Can you clarify the category exactly? Getting into Debug isn't restrictive, so no concerns there. But that could mean any range of things when you're talking about doing a run with the Debug in play.

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr7 years ago

FYI, I've tried timing this a couple of times. I estimate this is actually about 30 seconds slower due to having to untransform to get pots we get in current routes throughout Factory as well as being taken back to Scuttle Town after completing Falls and having to leave to go back to Main Street which is avoided in the current route getting Bullet before Mermaid Falls.

Wisconsin, USAnorimaki_sr7 years ago

It's a common issue with the game. It's a file corruption issue. Unfortunately, you have to do some stuff to fix the issue, but the bad news is... You're starting over on that file regardless and all future games on that file will have issues until you do the following.

In the Wii U Menu, you have to go into System Settings and Data Management. Choose Copy/Move/Delete Data. Then in System Memory you need to find your HGH Data and clear/delete your save data.

You can also just use a new file, but you might have this happen again. Not sure when this might be patched/fixed, but it's a common issue with the game right now.

Pear これを好き
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