THE_GOATLOVER5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for all the help! I've actually gotten it 3 times in a row now! (using a pause buffer) All the information was super useful

THE_GOATLOVER5 years ago

I've been able to get it twice! :D Really tough, but I think I can get it down with more practice. I tried pause buffering after the the down left input and got it once with that sorta but I went flying too far. Not sure if pause buffering really works. Thanks for the help, but just one last thing, if I end up standing on the ground by the ladder and slashing their I am inputting B too late right?

THE_GOATLOVER5 years ago

Thanks man, I was looking around for a discord but couldn't find one! I'll give it another shot. Don't know how I didn't see this video before!


THE_GOATLOVER5 years ago

Hello All, I am trying to get into running this game but I can't quite get benkei skip. I can manage to clip into the ladder just fine, but it just warps me to the top of it and I stand there. Any reason why this might be happening? I am mashing B fast and as quick soon as I release the stick, but still can't seem to get anywhere. Any help? Also I am currently just using emulator right now so that could be an issue.

Thanks for any replies! :D

5 years ago
5 years ago