投稿日 1 month ago 投稿者:

Hey everyone, Venture has been added to all relevant Practice Range categories! Categories that don't include them will be labeled as "Pre-Venture".

投稿日 3 months ago 投稿者:

The Tutorial leaderboards have been reset!

All Ultimate ability costs were increased by 10% with the start of Season 9, effectively making the Tutorial WR impossible to beat. Before season 9, it would take 11 kills to gain Tactical Visor, where now it takes about 13 kills minimum.

For questions/feedback, join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7zVVVaZ3nZ

投稿日 3 months ago 投稿者:

Hey everyone, with the start of season 9, we've added the new event mission Cosmic Crisis! We'll also add Hero Mastery Gauntlet once it's released later in the season.

Speedrun Discord: https://discord.gg/7zVVVaZ3nZ

投稿日 5 months ago 投稿者:

Hey everyone, Lúcio has been added to the Hero Mastery leaderboards! We'll add new ones as soon as they are available to play. Here's the release schedule for the rest of the heroes:

投稿日 8 months ago 投稿者:

Hey! I recently started using an image-based autosplitter (Toufool AutoSplit) for Overwatch and thought I'd share how to use it (shoutout to @nyomdalee for telling us about it!). Unlike a traditional autosplitter, this one doesn't read any intrusive game files/memory so it should be ok to use.

Here's a guide I made on how to set it up: https://www.speedrun.com/overwatch2/guides/9ndds

We will still be retiming runs even if you use the autosplitter, but it's still nice to have to keep track of Sum of Bests, etc without having to manually split. If you have any questions/feedback, lemme know!

投稿日 9 months ago 投稿者:

Hey everyone! The mod team has decided to change the way that PvE missions will be timed. We have decided to drift away from in-game time as it is pretty inconsistent and sometimes shows the wrong times (proven by us frame timing).

There will be more information in the ‘How to retime your runs’ guide on the speedrun.com page, if you want to learn how to time them yourself. But fear not! Your already-verified runs have already been retimed. We have went through every mission run.

We have also now added 2 new categories! Practice range individual heroes DUO and CO-OP map runs. Have a blast competing for top times with friends! And lastly, individual map runs will now include milliseconds, except for Control, Flashpoint and Push maps since those are time-capped.

投稿日 9 months ago 投稿者:


Practice Range:

  • All Practice Range categories were reset, and the old ones were turned into Legacy.

  • The main categories now have 2 additional subcategories: Standard and Unlimited Ammo

  • When retiming PR runs, the starting frame will now be when the screen goes black after selecting the hero.

  • The ending frame will remain the same as before.

  • The new support hero Illari was added.

  • There is one additional rule that allows pre-damaging the first Tank Bot (the one that is being shot at) before starting a run:

    • Reasoning: the best strat involves waiting for that specific bot to be at low HP. So either we force runners to wait for the friendly bot to pre-damage it for them, or the runner can simply shoot it to start the run sooner. No advantage is gained during the run by doing this.

Individual Maps:

  • The new Flashpoint maps were added: New Junk City and Suravasa.

PvE Missions:

  • All the Story Missions have been added along with the event mission.

    • Resistance, Liberation, Ironclad

    • Underworld

Category Extensions:

  • We are currently not accepting runs for Spawn Rush and Death% due to Midtown not being available in custom games
  • Runs can still be submitted to the Spawn Rush Individual Level categories, but we still need to add the Flashpoint maps (will update soon).

Firing Range:

  • A score-based leaderboard for the firing range can be added if people show interest in it :)

Make sure to read the rules, and join our Discord! https://discord.gg/7zVVVaZ3nZ

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Here are all the Season 2 changes to the leaderboards:

  • Tutorial now has Season 2 as default since we can finally crit during visor (this wasn't possible in the tutorial for all of Season 1).
  • For Practice Range: All Heroes, Tank Only, and Damage Only are now Season 2 as default.
  • Ramattra, Individual Damage Season 2, and Shambali Monastery were added to the level leaderboards.

New Damage Role Passive:

  • No longer provides a movement speed bonus
  • Reload speed bonus increased from 25% to 35%

No impactful changes were made to Support, so those leaderboards were left alone for now.

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Check out GameBrain's post for info on the charity bounty here: https://www.speedrun.com/overwatch2/thread/52mkp

We have also added Practice Range (Duos) and all the available quickplay maps to the level leaderboards. Make sure to read the rules and feel free to send any questions/feedback our way.

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Mei has been removed from the game (lol) until November 17, so Practice Range runs for "All Heroes" and "Damage Only" won't be accepted until then. All other practice range categories are fine.

Here is the original blue post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/mei-disabled-through-november-15/739017

And here's the updated blue post from Nov 15: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/regarding-our-mid-season-cycle-patch/748128

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

The new Halloween event mode Wrath of the Bride has been added as a category! Make sure to read the rules before recording runs.

If you have any feedback, questions, etc, feel free to join our discord: https://discord.gg/7zVVVaZ3nZ

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

We've added our Practice Range Individual Heroes category. This time in the Level leaderboards, separated by roles, with the "Time Trial" category.

Link: https://www.speedrun.com/overwatch2/levels

If you have any feedback, questions, etc, make sure to join our discord!

Season 10: Practice Range with Venture

Hey everyone, Venture has been added to all relevant Practice Range categories! Categories that don't include them will be labeled as "Pre-Venture".

1 month ago
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