Category discussion: should "all skills no OOB" be changed to permit OOB?
7 years ago
California, USA

Question for discussion: should the "all skills no OOB" category be changed to permit out of bounds and clips?

After some chat on Discord, we determined that there was some interest in creating a possible "no major glitches" category for Ori. At the same time, in order to differentiate all skills more strongly from this new category, we considered the possibility of changing "all skills no OOB" to permit out of bounds.

In answering this question, it is probably worth considering whether the resulting route would actually be substantially different from other routes of the game. For example, it's possible that permitting OOB might mean that the fastest way to beat the game is to return to Ginso at the end and OOB from there to the ending, as in any%. This might actually make the category worse. Of course, you may have other reasons why you feel this change should or should not be made.

"Don't change things" is a viable answer. If enough folks feel that the category is fine as it is, then no changes will be made. NOTE: teleport anywhere will be allowed in the category either way.

Lorax そして TheDregorath これを好き
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Don´t change things

Drenthe, Netherlands

I stick to my opinion that "clipping" should be allowed, while "OOB" should not. OOB areas are characterized by the void, the lack of background assets, and the fact that saving inside the void leads to an unusable save file (when trying to reload). It's a pretty clear distinction to me.

It'd allow the boulder clip, the clip in ginso, and possibly some other route changes. It's not hard to investigate found skips to determine if they're OOB or not.

Fully allowing OOBs would make the category just any% with more busywork, you'd still use the ginso>horu oob to dash straight to the end.


In my opinion, the rules of all skills no OOB should be left as-is.

The main route changes if OOB is allowed are as follows: Boulder clip will be used instead of frog walk, and the grotto TA will no longer be used. After grenade, you will teleport to the top of ginso and do an any%-esque ginso-end OOB, rather than approaching Horu and doing the door glitch.

Both of these changes reduce trick diversity between categories -- long TA usage is unique to all skills, and is the main point that brought about a new category. Removing the grotto TA and using the boulder skip which already is used in any%, all cells, 100%, and oreo is uninteresting.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Thanks for posting, Valujin. I personally would like to see the All Skills category stay where it is, it is my opinion that any% style OOB skips make a category less accessible and fun to both play and view. It has its place, but I don't think that place is in All Skills. As for the proposed new category, I think that a "no major glitch" category would be different enough from the already existing categories to be considered.

Anyways, that's my two cents. I look forward to the potential addition of a new category.

United States

don't change. leave the TA variable there too.


Said it many times. I hate the TA trick with a burning passion. If I could I would make it go away. But apparently noone is for making a speedgame actualy beeing a fun watchable run but rather to be shit awefull to watch, learn and run. Because misty resets weren't shity enough anyway. I'll just run my categorie the way I want to and shit on the leaderboard that means nothing anymore.


I like the category as it is now :3

Texas, USA

I would be ok seeing OoB introduced into AS if either No Major Glitches or Glitchless became a thing. It does seem like the two are contingent, but I wanted to be clear on what my thoughts are.

Texas, USA

Im in favor of keeping the OoB rule in place primarily because of the points Sigma made, the route starts to look a lot like the other categories if you remove the rule so what do we really need the category for at that point.

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

Should be kept as it is imho. Don't really like TA either but doubt that will go away so meh.

New York, USA

It seems good as is, I like the TA flag there to distinguish runs from one another. That way I think would help newer runners get into the game and progressively learn non-TA strats, then if they really want to they can learn TA once they are looking for a more competitive time. The distinguishing thing about the run imo is the lack of OoB, which if someone wanted to do an OoB run they could learn an alternative category.

So yeah, my vote is for don't change things and add NMG/Glitchless as something separate. Also, ASNoob rolls off the tongue, AS is just not as appealing :P.

California, USA

Seems like there was pretty clear consensus on this one, so we will not be changing the category definition. I'll lock this thread, as it has served its purpose.

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