Form for requesting custom map / server leaderboards
4 years ago
Portland, OR, USA
編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
grnts, Propants, そして KilleDragon これを好き

Can I explain in more detail why this is? Without context, I do not understand

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
KilleDragon これを好き
Portland, OR, USA

You use it to request leaderboards to be made, like the ones at and

MooMooRuns, EllaTAS, そして KilleDragon これを好き
Pennsylvania, USA

Hey AprilSR I was wondering if I could be a moderator for minecraft speed runs because I saw in the world record right now that he changed the difficulty from normal to easy which in the rules it says that is not allowed

United States


Encripted, Naegi そして 2 その他 これを好き
New South Wales, Australia

It is allowed and also lock this thread

New South Wales, Australia


MinecraftGaming これを好き
Basque Country

@shadow_hunter ye like the link is to purpose there the new map leaderboard thats the point

@Tutterey you dont help thanks

MooMooRuns, Naegi そして 2 その他 これを好き

Can someone make a leaderboard for the "Cover me in debris" acheavement on a set seed?? (Also known as full netherite run)

The seed is: 3168991511258463298

there are a bunch of runs on YT but i cannot seem to find any leaderboards for them (if this is not the place to ask please do tell me, as i am new to this whole thing)

Thanks :)

BoyWithUke125 これを好き
Updated Legal Mods
  • (1.20-1.20.6) StandardSettings 1.2.4 has been ported to 1.20-1.20.6.
  • (1.19+) Planifolia 1.0.1 for 1.19+: supports launching without Sodium for gamma 5 by itself and fixes a visual desync of the entity culling option when it is set via StandardSettings
  • **(1.19+)
16 hours ago