All Cards Info / Route
All Cards Info / Route
Aggiornato 3 years ago di Raagentreg

INFO: Here I'm gonna try to give all the info I learned about this game and the card frequencies from packs. It's gonna be rambly 'cause that's just kinda how I write this kind of thing. Also, you should totally watch Redsox's run if you're going to actually run this, haha. So, most packs you get from trainers in this game are preferenced towards a certain type. Like, if you need an Electabuzz, it's waaaay more likely to have it as your rare card if you duel an Electric type trainer that gives Colosseum packs. Instead of 1 in 24, it'd be... 3 in 32? I'll get to that right now. The way that the game picks what the rare will be is that it first rolls for type; then it rolls for which card among that type. In the Electabuzz example, Colosseum has 6 types of rares (Grass, Water, Electric, Fighting, Colorless, Trainer). So, 1 in 6 that you'll get an Electric rare. Then, it picks between Raichu, Magneton, Electabuzz, and Zapdos. So, 1 in 4 that you'll get an Electabuzz. This means that cards like Gyarados (the only Water rare in Colosseum) and Hitmonlee (the only Fighting rare in Laboratory) are ridiculously common rares to get. In a type preferenced pack, the odds of it picking Electric would go from 1 in 6 to 3 in 8. This leads to Colorless rares being by far the hardest to get. There's no packs that preference Colorless, so there's no way to skew the odds in your favor... They're easiest in Mystery, though. Mystery has no trainer rares, and it seems that Colorless absorbed its odds as a result; Colorless is chosen twice as frequently as it should be in Mystery packs. Colosseum's 4 colorlesses and Lab's 3 colorlesses, on the other hand, can be very difficult to obtain. Imakuni is a very very fast way to get boosters, but they're Trainer preferenced, NOT typeless. So, they're not as useful as they could be. Basically, once you have 2 sets 'completed' (i.e. you know you can get the remaining rares/uncommons for those from the mailbox), Imakuni is really only giving you 2 packs, the same as a normal trainer battle. If you have every Trainer rare in those remaining sets, then you should grind off someone else, so you can be getting 2 typeless packs instead of 2 trainer-pref packs.

Generally, Evolution and Laboratory are the sets that will still need some grinding done. I like to grind off of Kristin for Evolution packs (as I'm almost always missing multiple Grass rares) and Nikki for Laboratory packs. Fighting them with Magmar-only is faster than fighting Imakuni with Zapdos, and faster than most other matchups in the game. (Stephanie, who gives Laboratory Psychic packs, is absolute hell and should never be fought imo, even if you're missing all 4 Lab Psychic rares.)

Many things in this game can only be done once per Continue From Diary. (NOT once per power on; Continue Duel doesn't reset it!) This includes fighting Imakuni, doing multi-part trades, and doing Ishihara. Imakuni won't appear until you talk to a girl in Water Club. Then, he's in Fighting Club until you've talked to him once. After that, he can only be in: Fighting Club, Lightning Club, Science Club, Water Club. He'll randomly spawn in one of those four every Continue From Diary. Do note, however, that if you load a game inside one of those four side rooms, he can't be there; so that leaves only 3 options. It's fastest to save outside the side room, so you can do a quick check if he's in the same club twice in a row. You can see in my runs that I try to minimize movement by avoiding checking Science Club; Water, lightning, and fighting are all adjacent.

How Ishihara works: It takes 4 different continue from diaries to complete him, and each time, you have to talk to one of the Ishihara gossipers first. The first talk is to get him to be in his house at all, then you have to go talk to him. After that, next time you talk to a gossiper from a new continue, they'll tell you he wants to trade. That trade offer stays forever until you do it. I tend to just bounce back and forth between his house and the Rock Club.

Feel free to use your own route, this is just what I've been using as of late. Routes in this game change all the time, from run to run, person to person. In particular, there's a way-out-there route idea that does some Imakuni duels with the Challenge Cup Mewtwo earlier in the run, with the intention of getting some nice trainers to help with the remainder of the run. (All Cards has a worse cardbase than any%, because we don't open the Colosseum mailbox packs early.) Fighting Imakuni with Mewtwo has the potential of being extremely slow compared to Zapdos, however! It's a difficult thing to time whether or not it's faster, but I stopped using it. Here's a brief summary of it:

IMAKUNI ROUTE: Grass/Electric as usual, RONALD 1, SCYTHER DECK HERE (get from PC if needed), Jessica in Fire Club, Rock Club guys, CHALLENGE CUP 1, IMAKUNI FIVE(?) TIMES WITH MEWTWO, MITCH+RICK (Rick first if already in science), RONALD 2 + CHALLENGE CUP 2 (fire+fighting), Amy (Amanda with fire/fighting from CC2, then electric), Ken (Dugtrio), Murray (Dugtrio+Rattata)

Here's the route I've been using, taken from steppehaan:

NORMAL ROUTE: Tutorial, Charmander & Friends, remove Raticate and Meowth, add 2 Grass Energy, get free Energy RECON: Remove all Pokemon except Charmander/Charmeleon/Magmar/Diglett/Dugtrio, go to 20 Fire, 7 Lightning, 16 Fighting (you could leave in some more Pokemon, especially Machop, but this tends to have the best consistency) [Fighting Club], talk to Mitch, [Grass Club] two inside peons (You could do a deck edit before Brittany to add Trainers and reduce the Lightning Energy, to add consistency) Fight Brittany, [Ishihara] for Nikki, then [Electric Club]. Left guy and right guy first RECON: Improve deck as much as you can (add max copies of all the cards already in the deck) Duel Jennifer, duel Isaac, then go to [Grass Club], duel Nikki (leave Michael for way later) RECON: Improve trainers, especially adding Energy Removals SAVE BEFORE LEAVING! RONALD FIGHT, YOU CAN'T LOSE IT [Water Club], INITIATE IMAKUNI, duel Amanda RECON: Fat Pikachu, Base Raichu, and Electabuzz (if 2+ Electabuzz with decent recovery trainers, I suggest going Electabuzz only) Duel Sara, Joshua, and Amy

CHALLENGE CUP 1 Keep the Pikachu deck, in case the first trainer is Sara, Joshua, or Joseph Fire/Fighting is recommended for most trainers; if you have Scyther at this point and run into a Rock Club person, or Jessica/Chris, a quick Scyther deck edit could be the best option Fire/Fighting is a MUST for Ronald If your Magmar count is high (3+), I suggest not using Charmander/Charmeleon, so you have more room for Energy You can change who you face in fight 1 by simply leaving to the world map and re-entering the Challenge Cup


RECON: Add Fire-types [Grass Club], Michael

If you don't have Scyther yet at this point, grind for it from Mail 1. Here's a good cluster for it: SCYTHER, MAIL 1 - [Triple] On "TM" (earlier if not in Dome): [Hitmonchan, Scoop Up, Pinsir, Wigglytuff, SCYTHER, SCYTHER, Gyarados, SCYTHER, Gyarados, Gyarados, Computer Search, Magneton x2] (More info here: . However, in All Cards, you probably shouldn't open more than 1 Colosseum pack for Scyther) I get my Scyther now, since Michael is the last Colosseum packs before I need to use him. This way, I have Scyther available for Challenge Cup 2 if necessary.

CHALLENGE CUP 2 Same strategies as CC1, although you enter it with Fire/Fighting this time Energy is even more crucial, so don't use too many Pokemon cards, and possibly remove some Fossils or other not-crucial trainers

RECON: Scyther only, DCEs Duel Jessica in [Fire Club lobby] [Rock Club], INITIATE ISHIHARA and duel Chris in [Rock lobby], duel Gene RECON: Promo Mewtwos only [Science Club], Joseph and Rick [Fighting Club], Mitch RECON: Seel/Dewgong [Pokemon Dome], duel Courtney, SAVE RECON: Diglett/Dugtrio Duel Steve, SAVE RECON: Depending on Dugtrio/Dewgong count, change back to Dewgong, either for Jack/Rod or just for Ronald (Ronald is on average the same amount of time with Dugtrio and Dewgong; Dewgong is on average safer. I like to use Dugtrio on Ronald if I have MORE/same number of Dugs than Dewgongs, but if it's like 1 Dugtrio 3 Dewgongs, I go back to Dewgong) Duel Jack, SAVE, Rod, SAVE, Ronald, SAVE SAVE SAVESAVEASVAVEva Reset at fadeout, begin Imakuni grinding, etc RECON: 1 GB Zapdos, As much Electric Energy as you have, Oak, Bill, Potion, Super Potion, Full Heal, Computer Search, Item Finder, Defender, Gust of Wind, Energy Removal, Energy Search, fill with Maintenance/Gambler if you have to, etc (Non-electric energy is worthless filler)

TRADE INFO: Talk to old man in Psychic Ishihara gossipers are in Rock, Science, Fire Ishihara trades: Clefable, Ditto, Chansey Trade Lapras with left gal in Water Trade Oddish and Clefairy with right gal TWICE in Grass (can also trade Charizard for a Blastoise) Trade uncommons with table man FIVE TIMES in Fighting (random each continue from diary: Weezing, Rapidash, Parasect, Graveler, Omastar) Trade Electabuzz with bottom man in Electric Trade unused energy with boy in Fire (ONLY ONE CHANCE) (DO THIS LAST)

Here I've listed your options for type-preferenced packs, plus maybe what deck you might want to use against them. Although, the Zapdos deck is probably fine against most of these (I wrote this bit before I knew about the zapdos deck), overall the strats are very outdated. One warning is, be weary of Mr. Mime if you fight Psychic Club people, since Zapdos cannot damage it. Do as you wish.

COLOSSEUM LEANINGS: GRASS: Heather (Grass bottom), WATER: Sara (left), ELECTRIC: Brandon (top right) [USE FIRE/FIGHTING], Nicholas (top left) [USE SCYTHER/FIGHTING], FIGHTING: Michael (Fighting bottom) [USE SCYTHER/FIGHTING], Jessica (Fighting right) [USE SCYTHER/FIGHTING], Andrew (Rock left) [USE SCYTHER/WATER] NONE?: Adam (Fire Club, left) [USE WATER ONLY (HORSEA, POLIWAG, STARYU, LAPRAS)]

EVOLUTION: GRASS: Kristin (Grass left) [USE FIRE ONLY], FIGHTING: Chris (Fighting left) [USE SCYTHER/FIGHTING], Ryan (Rock right, 3 prizes) [USE SCYTHER/LIGHTNING], PSYCHIC: Daniel (left) [USE FIRE/FIGHTING], Robert (side room) [USE WATER/LIGHTNING] NONE?: John (Fire Club, down) [USE ZAPDOS, NO STATUSES]

MYSTERY: GRASS: Brittany (Grass side room) [USE FIRE/FIGHTING], WATER: Joshua (Water Club, up) [USE LIGHTNING], ELECTRIC: Amanda (Water Club, right) [USE FIGHTING/FIRE], FIGHTING: Matthew (Rock side room) [USE SCYTHER] NONE?: Ken (Fire leader) [USE ZAPDOS, NO STATUSES]


The mail could be a bit out of order depending on your route.


4 Colosseum, 4 Evolution, 4 Mystery, 5 Laboratory

Here's some info about frames to try and hit to get certain cards out of mailbox packs. (Mail 5 and mail 7 are switched around in these notes, and mail is totally different if you use imakuni route). For best results, do these in the dome. For the most part, these notes have been made outdated thanks to the Search function in the helper program; I don't even look at them during runs anymore; but they could help you still.


ELECTABUZZ - DO NOT USE MAIL 12 Mail 1/3/6: [Double] Left side of N in POKEMON [Hitmonchan, Hitmonchan, Item Finder, Computer Search, ELECTABUZZ, Dugtrio, Scyther, ELECTABUZZ, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Wigglytuff, Gyarados] {Electabuzz, Nidorino, Kadabra, Raticate} {Electabuzz, Arcanine, Seel, Nidorino}

HITMONCHAN - Mail 1/3/6: [Double] Mash less than as fast as possible [Scyther, Scyther, Gyarados, Item Finder, Kangaskhan, HITMONCHAN, HITMONCHAN, Item Finder, Computer Search, Electabuzz] Mail 12: [Double] Mash at a fair pace [Kangaskhan, Snorlax, Item Finder, Computer Search, HITMONCHAN, Scoop Up, Scyther, HITMONCHAN, Wigglytuff, Gyarados, Scoop Up, Gyarados]

WIGGLYTUFF - Mail 1/3/6: [Kind of Double] Mash as fast as you can [Computer Search, Hitmonchan, WIGGLYTUFF, Pinsir, Kangaskhan, Hitmonchan, Item Finder, WIGGLYTUFF, Scyther, Scyther, Gyarados, Item Finder] {Wigglytuff, Full Heal, Raticate, Nidorino} {Wigglytuff, Nidorino, Revive, Seaking} Mail 1/3/6: [Single, Snorlax] The space between "CARD GAME" [Magneton, Zapdos, Scoop Up, Scyther, Pinsir, Snorlax, WIGGLYTUFF, Scyther, Gyarados, Gyarados, Scyther, Magneton, Zapdos] {Snorlax, Nidorino, Seel, Kadabra} {Wigglytuff, Growlithe, Nidorino, Kadabra} Mail 12: [Double] Halfway between POKEMON and TM [Gyarados, Scyther, Pinsir, Computer Search, WIGGLYTUFF, Pinsir, Computer Search, WIGGLYTUFF, Gyarados, Scoop Up, Gyarados, Hitmonchan, Snorlax] {Wigglytuff, Defender, Arcanine, Nidorino} {Wigglytuff, Oak, Seaking, PlusPower}

CHANSEY - DO NOT USE MAIL 12 Mail 1/3/6: [Single, Snorlax] Halfway between TM and GAME [Kangaskhan, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Snorlax, Item Finder, Item Finder, CHANSEY, Raichu, Pinsir, Computer Search, Hitmonchan, Computer Search] {Snorlax, Full Heal, Charmeleon, Raticate} {Chansey, Nidorino, Kadabra, Dewgong}

KANGASKHAN - Mail 1/3/6: [Double] Halfway between POKEMON and TM [Wigglytuff, Gyarados, Scyther, Pinsir, KANGASKHAN, Dugtrio, Pinsir, KANGASKHAN, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Dugtrio] {Kangaskhan, Nidorino, Kadabra, Seel} {Kangaskhan, Arcanine, Nidorino, Kadabra} Mail 12: [Single, Snorlax] Mashing very fast [Gyarados, Scyther, Zapdos, Item Finder, Computer Search, KANGASKHAN, Snorlax, Item Finder, Computer Search, Hitmonchan] {Kangaskhan, Revive, Seaking, Nidorino} {Snorlax, Defender, Kadabra, Seaking}

SNORLAX - Mail 1/3/6: [Single, Chansey] Halfway between TM and GAME [Kangaskhan, Dugtrio, Gyarados, SNORLAX, Item Finder, Item Finder, Chansey, Raichu, Pinsir, Computer Search, Hitmonchan, Computer Search] {Snorlax, Full Heal, Charmeleon, Raticate} {Chansey, Nidorino, Kadabra, Dewgong} Mail 1/3/6: [Single, Wigglytuff] The space between "CARD GAME" [Magneton, Zapdos, Scoop Up, Scyther, Pinsir, SNORLAX, Wigglytuff, Scyther, Gyarados, Gyarados, Scyther, Magneton, Zapdos] {Snorlax, Nidorino, Seel, Kadabra} {Wigglytuff, Growlithe, Nidorino, Kadabra} Mail 12: [Single] Mashing REALLY REALLY fast [Pinsir, Computer Search, SNORLAX, Item Finder, Scoop Up, Gyarados, Scyther, Zapdos] {Snorlax, Oak, Nidorino, Revive} Mail 12: [Single, Kangaskhan] Mashing very fast [Gyarados, Scyther, Zapdos, Item Finder, Computer Search, Kangaskhan, SNORLAX, Item Finder, Computer Search, Hitmonchan] {Kangaskhan, Revive, Seaking, Nidorino} {Snorlax, Defender, Kadabra, Seaking}

SCOOP UP - Mail 12: Anywhere near the start, especially on the TM [SCOOP UP, Gyarados, Hitmonchan, Snorlax, SCOOP UP, Pinsir, SCOOP UP, Scyther, Scyther, Raichu] Mail 1/3/6/12: [Single] On the TM [Dugtrio, Scyther, Electabuzz, Hitmonchan, SCOOP UP, Pinsir, Wigglytuff, Scyther, Scyther, Gyarados]

ITEM FINDER - Mail 12: Anywhere near the start Mail 1/3/6/12: [Double] Mash very fast [Scyther, Scyther, Gyarados, ITEM FINDER, Kangaskhan, Hitmonchan, Hitmonchan, ITEM FINDER, Computer Search, Electabuzz, Dugtrio]


VENUSAUR - Mail 9: [Triple] At the end of "TM" [Pokemon Trader, Victreebel, Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Venusaur, Venusaur, Beedrill, Flareon, Pidgeotto, Charizard] Mail 9: [Double] Right side of "N" in POKEMON [Vaporeon, Jolteon, Nidoking, Gengar, VENUSAUR, VENUSAUR, Nidoking, Gengar, Jolteon, Nidoking, Machamp] Mail 9: [Grass] As fast as possible [Pidgeot, Machamp, Clefairy Doll, Machamp, VENUSAUR, Beedrill, Victreebel, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Jolteon] Mail 4: [Grass] On "TM" [Machamp, Charizard, Machamp, Machamp, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 13: [Grass] On "TM" [Pidgeotto, Charizard, Machamp, Gengar, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Pokemon Trader, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 6: [Double] Right side of "N" in POKEMON, paired with Dugtrio or Gyarados [Dugtrio, Scyther, Electabuzz, DUGTRIO, Gyarados, Wigglytuff, GYARADOS, Scyther, Pinsir, Kangaskhan]

BEEDRILL - Mail 4: [Grass] On "TM" [Machamp, Charizard, Machamp, Machamp, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 13: [Grass] On "TM" [Pidgeotto, Charizard, Machamp, Gengar, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Pokemon Trader, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 9: [Grass] As fast as possible [Pidgeot, Machamp, Clefairy Doll, Machamp, Venusaur, BEEDRILL, Victreebel, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Jolteon] Mail 9: [Double] At the end of "TM" [Pokemon Trader, Victreebel, Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Venusaur, Venusaur, Beedrill, Flareon, Pidgeotto, Charizard] Mail 6: [Single] Right side of "N" in POKEMON, paired with Gyarados [Scyther, Electabuzz, Dugtrio, GYARADOS, Wigglytuff, Gyarados, Scyther, Pinsir]

NIDOKING - Mail 9: Just past "N" in POKEMON, many frames Mail 4: [Double] Right side of "N" in POKEMON [Vaporeon, Gengar, Blastoise, Venusaur, NIDOKING, Gengar, Machamp, NIDOKING, Machamp, Machamp, Vaporeon] Mail 13: [Double] Right side of "N" in POKEMON [Pokemon Trader, Blastoise, Venusaur, NIDOKING, Pokemon Breeder, Gengar, NIDOKING, Pidgeot, Gengar, Vaporeon] Mail 6: [Double] Mash very fast (paired with Wigglytuff or Gyarados) [WIGGLYTUFF, Scyther, Scyther, GYARADOS, Item Finder, Kangaskhan]

VICTREEBEL - Mail 4: [Grass] On "TM" [Machamp, Charizard, Machamp, Machamp, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 13: [Grass] On "TM" [Pidgeotto, Charizard, Machamp, Gengar, Pokemon Trader, VICTREEBEL, Pokemon Trader, Venusaur, Beedrill, Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard] Mail 9: [Grass] As fast as possible [Pidgeot, Machamp, Clefairy Doll, Machamp, Venusaur, Beedrill, VICTREEBEL, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Jolteon] Mail 6: [Single] Right side of "N" in POKEMON, with Scyther [Item Finder, Computer Search, Electabuzz, Dugtrio, SCYTHER, Electabuzz, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Wigglytuff]

FLAREON - Mail 4: [Single] About to touch "E" in GAME [Gengar, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeot, Gengar, Machamp, FLAREON, Pokemon Breeder, Machamp, Pidgeotto, Jolteon x3] Mail 9: [Single] At the end of "TM" [Gengar, Venusaur, Beedrill, Venusaur, Venusaur, Beedrill, Flareon, Pidgeotto, Charizard, Blastoise, Vaporeon, Gengar, Machamp] Mail 13: [Single] About to touch "E" in GAME [Doll x3, Pokemon Breeder, Machamp, FLAREON, Pokemon Breeder, Machamp, Gengar, Breeder, Jolteon x3] Mail 6: [Single] Mash quite fast. Paired with Hitmonchan [Gyarados, Item Finder, Kangaskhan, HITMONCHAN, Hitmonchan, Item Finder, Computer Search, Electabuzz]

VAPOREON - Mail 9: [Double] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Pidgeot x2, Jolteon, Jolteon, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeotto, VAPOREON, Machamp, Beedrill, VAPOREON, Jolteon, Nidoking, Gengar, Venusaur x2] Mail 4/13: [Single] Mash as fast as you can [Machamp, Charizard, Beedrill, VAPOREON, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Machamp, Machamp, Clefairy Doll]

JOLTEON - Mail 4: [Triple] "E" in GAME [Flareon, Breeder, Machamp, Pidgeotto, JOLTEON, JOLTEON, JOLTEON, Nidoking, Machamp, Flareon, Pidgeot] Mail 9: [Double] Mash as fastish as you can [Venusaur, Beedrill, Victreebel, Pidgeot, Pidgeot, JOLTEON, JOLTEON, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeotto, Vaporeon] Mail 6: [Double] Halfway between N and TM. Paired with Pinsir or Kangaskhan [Kangaskhan, Dugtrio, PINSIR, KANGASKHAN, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Dugtrio]

PIDGEOTTO - Mail 4: [Single] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Machamp, Machamp, Clefairy Doll, PIDGEOTTO, Machamp, Machamp, Charizard] Mail 9: [Single] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Pidgeot, Pidgeot, Jolteon, Jolteon, Clefairy Doll, PIDGEOTTO, Vaporeon, Machamp, Beedrill] Mail 6: [Single] Right side of "N" in POKEMON, with Electabuzz [Electabuzz, Dugtrio, Scyther, ELECTABUZZ, Dugtrio, Gyarados, Wigglytuff, Gyarados] Mail 13: [Single] Really fast mashing [Pokemon Trader, Victreebel, Pokemon Breeder, Pidgeot, Clefairy Doll, PIDGEOTTO, Charizard, Beedrill, Vaporeon]

PIDGEOT - Mail 4: [Double] Mash as fast as you can [Machamp, Charizard, Beedrill, Vaporeon, PIDGEOT, PIDGEOT, Machamp, Machamp, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeotto] Mail 9: [Double] Mash as fast as you can [Machamp, Venusaur, Beedrill, Victreebel, PIDGEOT, PIDGEOT, Jolteon, Jolteon, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeotto] Mail 6: [Single] Halfway between POKEMON and TM, paired with Dugtrio [Dugtrio, Pinsir, Kangaskhan, DUGTRIO, Gyarados, Dugtrio, Scyther, Electabuzz] Mail 13: [Single] Really fast mashing [Pokemon Trader, Victreebel, Pokemon Breeder, PIDGEOT, Clefairy Doll, Pidgeotto, Charizard, Beedrill, Vaporeon] Mail 13: [Single] Halfway between POKEMON and TM [Venusaur, Nidoking, Pokemon Breeder, Gengar, Nidoking, PIDGEOT, Gengar, Vaporeon, Pidgeotto, Charizard, Machamp]

POKEMON TRADER - Mail 13: Mashing anywhere near the start Mail 13: Energy is at the start of "TM"

POKEMON BREEDER - Mail 13: Mashing anywhere near the start Mail 13: Energy is about middle of "TM"

CLEFAIRY DOLL - Mail 13: [Triple] Completely past the "TM" [Machamp, Machamp, Pokemon Breeder, Pidgeotto, Vaporeon, DOLL, DOLL, DOLL, Pokemon Breeder, Machamp, Flareon] Mail 4: [Single] About to touch "E" in GAME [Gengar, Machamp, Vaporeon, Gengar, CLEFAIRY DOLL, Pidgeot, Gengar, Machamp, Flareon] Mail 9: [Single] About to touch "E" in GAME [Gengar, Machamp, Nidoking, Gengar, CLEFAIRY DOLL, Pidgeot, Gengar, Blastoise, Victreebel]


NIDOQUEEN - Mail 7/5/11/14: [Triple] Energy is on the "TM" 7: [Articuno, Articuno, Clefairy, Vileplume, Alakazam, NIDOQUEEN, NIDOQUEEN, Lapras, NIDOQUEEN, Lapras, Articuno, Dragonair] 5: [Electrode, Zapdos, Clefairy, Vileplume, Alakazam, NIDOQUEEN, NIDOQUEEN, Raichu, NIDOQUEEN, Lapras, Zapdos, Dragonair] 11: [Electrode, Zapdos, Clefairy, Vileplume, Alakazam, NIDOQUEEN, NIDOQUEEN, Ninetales, NIDOQUEEN, Ninetales, Articuno, Alakazam] 14: [Electrode, Zapdos, Clefairy, Vileplume, Alakazam, NIDOQUEEN, NIDOQUEEN, Lapras, NIDOQUEEN, Ninetales, Articuno, Dragonair]

NINETALES - Mail 11: [Double] Energy is on the "TM" [Clefairy, Vileplume, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, NINETALES, Nidoqueen, NINETALES, Articuno, Alakazam, Lapras, Electrode] Mail 7/5: [Single] Fast mashing [Mew, Zapdos, Dragonite, Kabutops, NINETALES, Nidoqueen, Articuno, Dragonite, Dragonair] Mail 14: [Single] Fast mashing [Dragonair, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Alakazam, NINETALES, Nidoqueen, Moltres, Dragonite, Dragonair]

MOLTRES - Mail 7/5: [Double] Past "N" in Pokemon [Articuno, Alakazam, Lapras, Nidoqueen, MOLTRES, Aerodactyl, Raichu, MOLTRES, Aerodactyl, Raichu, Articuno] Mail 11: [Single] Mash very quickly [Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, MOLTRES, Mew, Mew, Electrode, Zapdos] Mail 14: [Single] Mash very quickly [Alakazam, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, MOLTRES, Dragonite, Dragonair, Aerodactyl, Zapdos]

LAPRAS - Mail 7/14: [Triple on 7] On the "TM" next to Nidoqueens Mail 11: [Triple] On "E" in GAME [Moltres, Dragonair, Aerodactyl, Dragonair, LAPRAS x3, Vileplume, Kabutops, Vileplume, Dragonite]

ARTICUNO - Mail 7: Left side of "N" in POKEMON or after (a lot of frames) Mail 5: [Single] Mash very quickly [Kabutops, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, ARTICUNO, Dragonite, Dragonair, Electrode, Zapdos]

RAICHU - Mail 7: [Double] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Articuno, Dragonite, Dragonair, Articuno, RAICHU, Ninetales, Articuno, RAICHU, Articuno, Alakazam, Lapras] Mail 7: [Triple] Just past "N" in POKEMON, next to Aerodactyls Mail 5: [Double] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Zapdos, Dragonite, Dragonair, Electrode, RAICHU, Ninetales, Electrode, RAICHU, Articuno, Alakazam, Lapras]

ELECTRODE - Mail 5/11/14: Mash quickly (a lot of frames, after Dragonair/Dragonite) Mail 5: [Double] Just past the "TM" [Nidoqueen, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Lapras, Zapdos, Dragonair, Electrode, Electrode, Zapdos, Mew, Kabutops, Articuno, Aerodactyl]

ZAPDOS - Mail 5: [Double] Just past the "TM" [Nidoqueen, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Lapras, Zapdos, Dragonair, Electrode, Electrode, Zapdos, Mew, Kabutops, Articuno, Aerodactyl] Mail 7: [Single] Mash very quickly [Alakazam, Vileplume, Mew, ZAPDOS, Dragonite, Kabutops, Ninetales, Nidoqueen]

KABUTOPS - Mail 14: [Triple] Just past "N" in Pokemon [Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Mew, KABUTOPS, Vileplume, Mew, KABUTOPS, Moltres, KABUTOPS, Nidoqueen, Electrode, Zapdos] Mail 11: [Double] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Zapdos, Dragonite, Dragonair, Electrode, KABUTOPS, Nidoqueen, Electrode, KABUTOPS, Moltres, Alakazam, Ninetales]

AERODACTYL - Mail 7/5: [Double] Just past "N" in POKEMON [Alakazam, Lapras, Nidoqueen, Moltres, AERODACTYL, Raichu, Moltres, AERODACTYL, Raichu, Articuno, Raichu, Ninetales]

ALAKAZAM - Mail 7: [Single] Middle of "N" in POKEMON [Ninetails, Articuno, Raichu, Articuno, ALAKAZAM, Lapras, Nidoqueen, Moltres, Aerodactyl] Mail 5: [Single] Middle of "N" in POKEMON [Ninetails, Electrode, Raichu, Articuno, ALAKAZAM, Lapras, Nidoqueen, Moltres, Aerodactyl] Mail 11/14: [Single] Middle of "N" in POKEMON [Nidoqueen, Electrode, Kabutops, Moltres, ALAKAZAM, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Mew]

MEW - Mail 14: [Double] Just past "N" in Pokemon [Alakazam, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, MEW, Kabutops, Vileplume, MEW, Kabutops, Moltres, Kabutops] Mail 11: [Double] Very left side of "N" in POKEMON [Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, Moltres, MEW, MEW, Electrode, Zapdos, Dragonite]

CLEFAIRY - Mail 7/5/11/14: [Single] Energy is on the "TM", one frame a bit before Nidoqueen 7: Articuno, Raichu, Ninetales, Articuno, Articuno, CLEFAIRY, Vileplume, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, Lapras 5: Articuno, Raichu, Ninetales, Electrode, Zapdos, CLEFAIRY, Vileplume, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, Raichu 11: Moltres, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Electrode, Zapdos, CLEFAIRY, Vileplume, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, Ninetales 14: Moltres, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Electrode, Zapdos, CLEFAIRY, Vileplume, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, Lapras

DRAGONAIR - Mail 7/5/14: [Double] Mash quickly (Not as effective on 11) 7: Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Articuno, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Electrode, Articuno, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Articuno, Raichu, Ninetales 5: Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Articuno, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Electrode, Zapdos, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Electrode, Raichu, Ninetales 14: Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Moltres, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Aerodactyl, Zapdos, DRAGONITE, DRAGONAIR, Electrode, Alakazam, Nidoqueen

DRAGONITE - Mail 7/5/14: Read above


VENOMOTH - Mail 2/8/10: [Triple] Energy is on "TM" [Mewtwo, Imposter, Muk, Haunter, VENOMOTH, VENOMOTH, Poliwrath, VENOMOTH, Ninetales, Electrode, Clefable] Mail 15: [Triple] Energy is on "TM" [Mewtwo, Imposter, Muk, Imposter, VENOMOTH, VENOMOTH, Poliwrath, VENOMOTH, Ninetales, Electrode, Lass] Mail 11: Mash quickly, triple cluster, attached to Electrode/Kabutops/Alakazam [Electrode, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, ELECTRODE, KABUTOPS, Moltres, ALAKAZAM, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, Vileplume]

MUK - Mail 2/8/10: [Double] Right side of "N" in Pokemon [Poliwrath, Haunter, Poliwrath, Venomoth, MUK, Mr. Mime, Haunter, MUK, Mr. Mime, Haunter, Poliwrath] Mail 15: [Double] Right side of "N" in Pokemon [Poliwrath, Imposter, Poliwrath, Venomoth, MUK, Super Energy, Haunter, MUK, Clefable, Haunter, Poliwrath]

NINETALES - Mail 2/8/10: Mash very fast [Clefable, Mewtwo, Super Energy, Haunter, NINETALES, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Ditto, Clefable, Mr. Mime] Mail 15: Mash very fast [Super Energy, Ditto, Super Energy, Pidgeot, NINETALES, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Devolution, Super Energy, Mr. Mime]

POLIWRATH: Mail 2/8/10: Mash very fast [Super Energy, Haunter, Ninetales, Venomoth, POLIWRATH, Ditto, Clefable, Mr. Mime, Mewtwo] Mail 15: Mash very fast [Super Energy, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Venomoth, POLIWRATH, Devolution, Super Energy, Mr. Mime, Mewtwo]

MAGNETON - Mail 2/8/10: [Triple] Energy on "M" in GAME [Ninetales, Super Energy, Mewtwo, Clefable, MAGNETON x3, Muk, Haunter, Ninetales, Ditto] Mail 15: [Triple] Energy on "M" in GAME [Ninetales, Super Energy, Mewtwo, Lass, MAGNETON x3, Muk, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Devolution x2]

ELECTRODE - Mail 2/8/10/15: [Single] Almost past the "TM" [Venomoth, Poliwrath, Venomoth, Ninetales, ELECTRODE, Clefable/Lass, Magneton, Hitmonlee x2] Mail 11: [Single] One early frame, attached to a Dragonite [Mew, Mew, MElectrode, Zapdos, DRAGONITE, Dragonair, MElectrode, Kabutops, Nidoqueen]

HAUNTER - Mail 2/8/10: Mash pretty fast, MANY FRAMES

HYPNO - (DO NOT USE MAIL 11/15) Mail 2/8/10: [Single] On A in GAME [Poliwrath, Mewtwo, Devolution, Ditto, HYPNO, Hitmonlee, Ninetales, Super Energy, Mewtwo, Clefable, Magneton x3] {Hypno, Magmar, Gastly, Poliwhirl}

MR. MIME - Mail 2/8/10: [Double] Right side of "N" in Pokemon [Poliwrath, Haunter, Poliwrath, Venomoth, Muk, MR. MIME, Haunter, Muk, MR. MIME, Haunter, Poliwrath, Haunter] {Mr. Mime, Weezing, Slowbro, Gastly} {Mr. Mime, Magmar, Golbat, Gastly} Mail 15: [Single] Left side of "N" in Pokemon [Venomoth, Poliwrath, Devolution, Super Energy, MR. MIME, Mewtwo, Devolution, Lass, Hitmonlee] Mail 11: [Single] Mash as fast as you can, attached to Moltres [Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen, MOLTRES, Mew, Mew, MElectrode, Zapdos]

MEWTWO - (DO NOT USE MAIL 11) Mail 2/8/10: [Single] Mash as FAST as you can (POKEMON DOME REQUIRED) [Muk, Clefable, MEWTWO, Super Energy, Haunter, Ninetales] {Mewtwo, Slowbro, Arbok, Maintenance} Mail 2/8/10: [Single] Left side of "N" in Pokemon [Poliwrath, Ditto, Clefable, Mr. Mime, MEWTWO, Devolution, Clefable, Hitmonlee] {Mewtwo, Dodrio, Slowbro, Tentacruel} Mail 15: [Single] Left side of "N" in Pokemon [Poliwrath, Devolution, Super Energy, Mr. Mime, MEWTWO, Devolution, Lass, Hitmonlee]

PIDGEOT - (None in mail 2/8/10 for over a second) Mail 15: [Single] Mash quickly [Imposter, Muk, Super Energy, Ditto, Super Energy, PIDGEOT, Ninetales, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Devolution] Mail 11: [Single] Mash quickly, attached to Nidoqueen [Dragonite, Dragonair, Electrode, Kabutops, NIDOQUEEN, Electrode, Kabutops, Moltres, Alakazam]

CLEFABLE - Mail 2/8/10: [Double] Mash very fast [Ninetales, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Ditto, CLEFABLE, Mr. Mime, Mewtwo, Devolution, CLEFABLE, Hitmonlee, Haunter, Ninetales, Hitmonlee] {Clefable, Gastly, Pokedex, Marowak} {Clefable, Slowbro, Marowak, Magmar}

DITTO - Mail 15: [Hard Double] Mash VERY VERY quickly [Super Energy, DITTO, Imposter, Muk, Super Energy, DITTO, Super Energy, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Venomoth] Mail 11: [Double] Midway between Pokemon and TM, attached to Kabutops/Electrode [Vileplume, Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Moltres, KABUTOPS, Nidoqueen, ELECTRODE, Zapdos, Clefairy, Vileplume] Mail 2/8/10: [Single] Mash very fast [Haunter, Ninetales, Venomoth, Poliwrath, DITTO, Clefable, Mr. Mime, Mewtwo, Devolution, Clefable]

IMPOSTOR OAK - Mail 15: [Double] Energy is on "TM" [Pidgeot, Ninetales, Hitmonlee, Mewtwo, IMPOSTER, Muk, IMPOSTER, Venomoth, Venomoth, Poliwrath, Venomoth] {Impostor, Fearow, Arbok, Magmar} {Impostor, Arbok, Magmar, Marowak} Mail 11: [Single] Left side of "N" in POKEMON, attached to Electrode Jungle [Electrode, Zapdos, Dragonite, Dragonair, ELECTRODE, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Electrode, Kabutops] {Impostor, Slowbro, Arbok, Magmar}

LASS - (There are NONE in mail 2/8/10) Mail 15: [Double] Halfway between TM and GAME [Poliwrath, Devolution x3, LASS, Hitmonlee, Ninetales, Super Energy, Mewtwo, LASS, Magneton x3, Muk] {Lass, Magmar, Porygon, Poliwhirl} {Lass, Poliwhirl, Golbat, Magmar} Mail 15: [Single] Left side of "N" in POKEMON [Mr. Mime, Mewtwo, Devolution, LASS, Hitmonlee, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Hitmonlee] {Lass, Slowbro, Marowak, Magmar} Mail 11: [Single] Halfway between Pokemon and TM, attached to Vileplume [Moltres, Alakazam, Ninetales, Nidoqueen, VILEPLUME, Mew, Raichu, Vileplume, Aerodactyl] {Lass, Poliwhirl, Dodrio, Weezing}

SUPER ENERGY REMOVAL - Mail 15: [Double] Mash as fast as you can [Ditto, Imposter, Muk, SUPER ENERGY, Ditto, SUPER ENERGY, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Venomoth, Poliwrath] Mail 2/8/10: [Single] Mash as fast as you can (POKEMON DOME REQUIRED) [Clefable, Mewtwo, SUPER ENERGY, Haunter, Ninetales, Venomoth, Poliwrath] {Super Energy Removal, Magmar, Seadra, Dodrio}

DEVOLUTION SPRAY - Mail 15: [Triple] Halfway between TM and GAME [Hitmonlee x2, Super Energy, Pidgeot, Poliwrath, DEVOLUTION x3, Lass, Hitmonlee, Ninetales, Super Energy] Mail 2/8/10: [Single] Left side of N in POKEMON (mash very fast) [Ditto, Clefable, Mr. Mime, Mewtwo, DEVOLUTION SPRAY, Clefable, Hitmonlee, Haunter, Ninetales] {Devolution Spray, Marowak, Golbat, Slowbro}

Original work not done by Raagentreg

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New Category: All Battles

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