Definitive Editions
Definitive Editions
Pubblicato 2 years ago di

Regarding Definitive Edition Leaderboards:

There will be an embargo for speedruns of the definitive edition of 2 weeks. What this means is that the mods of the respective games will not accept any run that is completed before Nov 25th. This is both to allow everyone to actually play the game, and stop the geeks from claiming day one "world records".

Regarding leaderboard placement, there will also be an overhaul. The definitive edition will be grouped with all other remasters of the game, and they will have their own leaderboards under a remastered version of each respected game. This means that the original leaderboards will only include runs from the original releases. (SA Any% No AJS will become Any% as AJS runs will be moved to San Andreas: Remastered, and so on.

This will take time to move everything over, so please be patient!

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Ultime notizie
Removal of framerate cap rule for Definitive Edition runs

The mod team has unanimously decided to do away with the framerate cap rule. Runs from this point on may now use the "Unrestricted" framerate setting. Please note that external frame limiting is still NOT ALLOWED.

6 months ago
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