Classic segments sub category
10 months ago
London, England

Personally, I am not a big fan of the whole 'Om0' part of the later segments of the game, but I plan to run them anyways. and regardless of skill level, there is no way for me to get a competitive time if I do not use Om0, so I propose (excluding the segments that already don't use it), that segments should have a leaderboard including and without Om0, in order to make runs without the use of Om0 stand out and give people like me who dislike Om0 a reason to want to run later segments. (PS if someone has already suggested this idea and it has been denied then sorry about that)

Fiku piace questo
Ontario, Canada

SRC has limitations and you can not make a variable like that only for specific segments, it goes for the entire category, so there would be 4 dead categories with the om0 variable that don't use om0. We have to wait until SRC fixes their variables and give an option to give a variable only to a specific category. I would definetely like to see this change, but until SRC fixes their site, it can't be done efficiently.

Modificato da l'autore 10 months ago
Hasco, KeithsTele, e EPICR123478 ti piace questo
Ontario, Canada

So we can either 1. make all segments no om0 which invalidates over 2 years worth of runs 2. Proceed with the variable change and have 4 dead categories that can not be submitted to 3. Or stay with our current situation.

Modificato da l'autore 10 months ago
EPICR123478 piace questo
London, England

makes sense, thanks for your time ! :)

Victoria, Australia

You can still run these segments without om0 and use the "no om0" filter.

L0UIE piace questo
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