benang: The Site
CanadaMazimov6 years ago

Hey guys, I made a game request for Metroid Revival and I would like to change the game type for it to ''Rom hack''

The game is a Rom hack of the Original one on NES.

thank you in advance and kuddos for the quick approval the other day.

benang: Speedrunning
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

There's already a lot of suggestions for you but I'll try. You can always emulate nintendo Nes or snes game there's a lot of great platformer to run on these but as for steam goes here's my suggestions

Teslagrad- A puzzle platformer where you change polarity of thing, really enjoyable speedrun you take one hit and you die but there's a lots of respawn points made by the game. the WR is around 21min.

Shovel knight- it was already state but a good platformer with a big community and ressources when you start running the game, a little bit more longuer then the others though WR around 43 min

Oniken- A fun platformer mostly inspired by old game like contra or ninja gaiden, it's a quick learn and really enjoyable there's a some rng in the game though WR Around 16:50

Völgarr the viking- quite a frustrating game but still a lot of fun just watched some speedruns didn't play it myself though WR around 15:30

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Welcome Brofessor, see ya around!

benang: Speedrunning
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Oh thanks bullets much appreciate, have a nice day!

benang: Speedrunning
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Hi, everyone do you know how to put a sound effect when you splits with livesplits. I download livesplitsserver, but I don't know how you suppose to configure that any help would be appreciated thanks!

benang: Talk
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

hum, why not the battletoads on nes that would be cool

xDrHellx dan Stixsr menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

I think Teslagrad is underrated in the speedrun community. It's a puzzle/platformer with metroidvania elements. In the game you basically change polarity of things to advance. And you can't take any hits or you'll die but there's a lot of spawn points, so it's not frustrating.

benang: Talk
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Favorite game: Shovel knight Least Favorite Game: tecmos deception Favorite piece of music from a game: Fragments of heart (Ni no kuni) Favorite Video Game Level: Pirate panic, first level in donkey kong country 2 Favorite video game mascot: Super meat boy A game that you like but no one else does: hum I'm gonna say The lost vikings, but it's more underrated than despise A game that you don't like but everyone else does: assasin's creed in general What game do you think is underrated: Legend of dragoons What game do you think is overrated: Kingdom hearts What Game did you most recently play for the first time: Undertale (1 month and a half ago)

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Thanks guys for your answers I really appreciate!

I did check some peoples on the twitch library, but I mostly found chiptunes artists, I will take a second look.

I started doing some tests with my music to build a library, but I especially put old jazz music from the 50's so if I avoid big name I should be fine. But i will keep an eye for independent artists who like to share their music.

Thanks again folks, have a nice day!

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Hi everyone, I would like your enlightenment about music on twitch.

Sometime the game music can be irritating for both the streamer and viewers especially in grinding or long session, so I often put music in background instead. But for now I only got one CD that I know isn't mute when I stream due to copyright, its a cd from a youtuber that I bought and the person say that he doesn't mind people using his music for any project just mention him, which I do.

But now I try to find some other CD from my library to put while im streaming but after several tests, some song on the same cd are muted and other not (It was Time out by dave brubeck).

So my questions are

-Do you know how twitch determine mute song or album. -Do you personnally play music when streaming, would you recommend it or not -Do you know any good way to find royalty free artist or album

I think it's about that, again sorry for the long post, it's just a topic i'm really curious about.

Thanks for your further responses !

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Hey, thanks, Decipher and greetings from Montreal !

Mega man 2 is indeed a good game easy too learn, but hard to master, Oniken on the other hand is a really quick learn I'm already aiming for the sub 21, but both really pleasant games to play.

Have a nice day !

benang: Talk
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

I often listen this Cd When I play Megaman sometime the music can be painfull for a long stream and this guy is amazing.

benang: Speedrunning
CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Salut Belle_infortune j'ai bien hâte de voir la chaîne, pour l'instant je ne suis pas du niveau mais qui sais peut-être dans le futur tu me laisseras savoir lorsque la première diffusion aura lieu. Bonne journée

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Thanks buddy see you around !

CanadaMazimov8 years ago

Hi guys my name is Mazimov.

After watching people doing speedrun and TAS for years I decided to give it a shot of my own.

I'm new to the speedrun and streaming community I just started 2 weeks ago, but I already enjoy it a lot. You seem to be a really nice community and I look forward to watch you play do races etc..

For now I run Oniken and Megaman 2 and I want to participate in a decathlon probably in april. You can watch me on twitch with the same nickname.

Have a nice day!

Tentang Mazimov
8 years ago
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