Subspace Emissary Any% Tournament (SpeedGaming Live! 2021)
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

SpeedGaming will be holding a Subspace Emissary Any% Easy side tournament throughout the event's duration from November 5th - November 14th. This tournament will be held online.

Requirements: • Dolphin 5.0 Emulator (Stable version) [Gentlemen's Agreement allowed if both players wish to race on original hardware] • account connected to account • Access to streaming software/must stream POV to • Attend to matches in the SpeedGaming Live! 2021 discord server: (pinned in the #ssbb_sse channel is helpful information such as guides and a beginner tutorial for those interested in participating)

Register for the tournament here: Scroll down the page for main rules. Registration closes November 1st.

Edit: Tournament has concluded. 1st - Tech 2nd - MKCocoon 3rd - ObedG45 4th - swc19 5th - Dobiwan / halqery 7th - DiegolazoR4 / JustCallMeGio

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago