Category Proposal: Reckonin' At Gun Manor
4 years ago

I only have the Switch copy of the game which is probably non-ideal for speedrunning, but now that the DLC is finally available I thought I might try my hand at routing out the "best" ending.

As usual, here is a sample run. I'm not sure about the end timing - maybe it should be when the first bell chime sounds?

Sorry about mostly-invisible timer... At least it was kinda a tie with the best time so it basically counts down to the end.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
StableState और lisaroxroxrox इसे पसंद करें

Nice work on this run! This looks fun. Would you be willing to send me your guide to the run? I can try it on PC/Mac.

I would like to hear from a mod on this one, but I think it's fine to end as soon as you activate the bell. There's nothing afterwards but dialogue until you see the end-of-DLC message, so I think it's similar enough to the ending cutscene in main quest runs to be excluded from the time.

Alecat इसे पसंद करता है
California, USA

Hyped someone else is using Switch version.

Alecat इसे पसंद करता है

@Scissortail sorry I missed your reply! I had started writing up the run but it's not done yet. This was my theory crafting for it:

@lisarox yeah I love the Switch version, being able to take it everywhere is great. I feel like the loading times are definitely more noticeable but that doesn't matter too much yet. Glad to see you rep Switch on the leaderboards!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
lisaroxroxrox इसे पसंद करता है

Oh yeah what I haven't noted in that graphic:

For the pre-game setup: Choose Beanslinger - skip collecting the beans, get cheaper Gumption and myst upgrades Take Lockpicking from your mum and don't forget to grab the needle from the haystack. Then choose: Dark Horse - you have two possible encounters when on the Macready quest, the Dark Horse gives you a chance to skip them. Doc Alice - I feel she's the best for the few combats that you'll do Ruthless - save time on murdering the Chili

on Switch it's easy to accidentally get the menus wrong, which I expect won't be a problem on Keyboard, so I'm looking forward to how you go on the run :D

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago

Thanks for sending! I'm looking forward to trying it.

I'm wondering about one difference between Switch and PC versions. On PC/Mac, if you open the menu at the right time after selecting a character, you glitch-slide out of bed instead of slowly standing up. Does that work on Switch? I didn't see it on your run, but it's easy to miss - I tried and failed on my posted El Vibrato run.

If you want a successful example of that bug, look at Punchy's speedrun of the game here

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Alecat इसे पसंद करता है

Yes that does work on Switch - I got it accidentally once but wasn't sure of what triggered it. Thanks for explaining it to me!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago

Okay I've written out the path, it's mostly the same but this one doesn't rely on the hedge trimmers to win combats so it leaves the carriage house until later.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
StableState इसे पसंद करता है
California, USA

Oh, I didn't know that the glitch worked on switch. Imma try it.

Alecat इसे पसंद करता है

Tweaked the route. Changes: • Skips two of the spider combats in the cellar in favour of dropping down through the well. (I'd previously discounted this shortcut because I thought you needed to save the hedge maze guide to be able to buy the tokens...) • Challenge Lord Euston to the most dangerous game when you grab the glass eye, instead of having to return back to the manliness room a second time • Defers returning to the cellar and clearing the level 1/2 ghosts until after digging up Macready

Not having to pour all the XP into Gumption to win initiative over the spiders frees up a bit of XP, so some other stuff can probably be adjusted now too. The key part is being able to hit the 15 stats for Lord Euston. I like to use an extra level of Angry for it so that I have the safety if I accidentally pick the wrong dialog option when talking to the other ghosts.

Here's a sample run, picked the wrong horse but other than that things went pretty smoothly.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
lisaroxroxrox इसे पसंद करता है

Added a couple of tweaks to this route a while back and forgot to note them here:

  1. get the guest room key from the dictionary by typing in "key" (saves having to learn lockpicking/grab a needle)
  2. added note about jumping to skip the sneaking animation at desert house

Thanks to @SRLGrace for pointing out both of these things to me.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
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