Pro Skater Games on Windows 10
8 years ago

Has anyone had any luck getting any of the THPS games to run on Windows 10? Both THPS 3 AND THPS 4 wont start up. Only ones that seem to work are THUG2 and up.

Everytime you do a goal that triggers a cutscene after it in THUG2, it freezes for a while. Makes it pretty unplayable for runs of Story. Classic might be fine.

North Carolina, USA

Even though this is an old thread, I wanted to give an answer to this issue:

Fog and horseofthesea were able to figure out that the problem is with NVIDIA drivers. Windows 10 has no effect on the Tony Hawk games, but some sort of DirectX call is lagging in specific parts.

The issue can be fixed by either removing the NVIDIA driver so you use a generic Windows 10 video driver, or change to AMD. AMD drivers have no issues.

Edit: Forgot to mention that THUG1 requires SafeDisc to be re-added through test mode. You can watch a tutorial here:

Also, other issues such as why the game will not start up hasn't been solved yet. :/

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