Need some clarification...
7 years ago
Nevada, USA

After watching HouseParty420's 1st place run, I have to admit that I'm conflicted.

The rules for Dead Space 1 clearly state that timing starts upon difficulty selection, and in the WR video that's when the timer began. Fair enough. However, at the end of the video he claims that timing doesn't actually start until the player takes control of Isaac; and that his time is actually faster than what LiveSplit is showing (2:32:03 by his count).

Here's my conflict:

  1. If the rules clearly state that timing starts upon difficulty selection, and the runner started his timing in the video at that exact time, how can he turn around and claim that his time was faster in a way that doesn't coincide with the rules? This makes absolutely no sense.
  2. Let's suppose that what the runner claims is true and that times starts when the player gains control of Isaac (which is at 4:53 into the start of the game); how is it that his current time on the leaderboard shows 2:25:53? Where did the missing +-6 minutes go?

My complaint is that the time on the leaderboard does not reflect the time on the video at all. The time on the video shows the proper time according to the rules specified for this game, yet the times posted by HouseParty420 neither adhere to the rules or have any evidence to support their accuracy.

Also, if the time of 2:25:53 was achieved at a later time there needs to be evidence proving it, otherwise it shouldn't be considered valid.

I respect that HouseParty420 is also a moderator for Dead Space 1, but as a moderator I would assume that he would understand how this makes no sense.

The reason I bring this up is because I am interested in learning to run this game (as it is one of my favorites), but after reading the forums and seeing the conflicts that have arisen between moderators and those interested in submitting their runs, I am hesitant.

Thanks for reading.

ROMaster2 इसे पसंद करता है

Right i'm looking at this and im super confused, His time claims 2:25, but that isnt even the video he uses, if his time is 2:31 from gaining control and 2:36 from selecting the difficulty then wtf lol, Hes claiming a time that isnt even this video, Ryan why did you mod him lol, and it doesnt help the fact that the game doesnt require verification which is so stupid.

Nevada, USA

I agree. In my opinion, if there's going to be this much controversy over submitting runs of this game (splicing video, 'cheating', etc.) than verification should become a REQUIREMENT. I also push that the rules need to be updated for MAXIMUM clarification, such as:

Any% (no NG+) ¤ Must start from a new game ¤ Timing begins at difficulty selection ¤ Timing ends when the player loses control of Isaac upon attempting to enter the ship after defeating the Hive Mind ¤Video proof is required for ALL runs

Any% (NG+) ¤ Timing begins at difficulty selection ¤ Timing ends when the player loses control of Isaac upon attempting to enter the ship after defeating the Hive Mind ¤Video proof is required for ALL runs

I also recommend additional run types, including

¤ Any% Peng (NO NG+), in which the player completes the any% route but obtaining the Peng treasure is mandatory ¤ Any% Peng (NG+), in which the player completes the any% NG+ route but obtaining the Peng treasure is mandatory ¤ 100%, in which the player must fully upgrade the RIG, Stasis, Kinesis, and Air modules (Isaac upgrades only) ¤ PC%, in which the player can only run the game using the Plasma Cutter; all other weapons are prohibited ¤ Impossible%, in which the player must complete the game on the hardest difficulty (unlocked after completing the game once)

Hopefully this is considered.

Georgia, USA

I fully agree that verification should be a requirement, was looking into possibly running this game and saw that it wasn't required and got very confused. I wouldn't worry too much over mods abusing powers, I've been speed running dead space 2 for a couple of months now and that hasn't been an issue even once. The person in the forums complaining about mod abuse has been caught splicing videos and even admitted to it in the past. I was in your shoes when I started running it as I was very nervous about running into mod abuse myself after reading that forum post.

I think the rules you've outlined make sense for any% and ng+, however I'm not a huge fan of the different new categories you've put forward. Peng runs don't make a whole lot of sense as they require next to no time to grab (especially on ng+). Impossible% and 100% are good ideas, but I think 100% would also need to include collectibles.

Either way, hope to see you speed run soon, would love more additions to our dead space speed running community!

Nevada, USA

I appreciate the confidence. I was just throwing some ideas around; not really expecting too much on the lines of new categories.

I like the idea of 100% with all of the collectibles; maybe include that the player must also collect each weapon at least once (excluding DLC weapons, if any); all power nodes; fully upgraded armor. I'm sure there's more that can go into it, but this is a start.

Impossible% is self explanatory. No surprise there.

I've already got DS downloaded on the XBone and have been tinkering around with it; that, and watching videos of runs. I don't think it'll be too long before I have a submission; probably by the end of the year.

Thanks for the support Shwenn!

Florida, USA

the only reason my time is like that is because the old WR holder who refused to answer how he got raw movement with mouse did that with his time too, i watched it and questioned it. you can swap my time 4mins53secs lower than my finish time if u want. i'm bout to start running the game again anywas.

Florida, USA

I remember now, he told me he sent his video in to people who manage the load times of each chapter as you take that time out as well. That's why it's like that. Once again, feel free to lower my time by 4mins53secs.

There's also not enough runners to maintain more categories.

United States

@houseparty420 You can edit your own run. On the run page there's a button on the top right corner to do that. With the current timing method the run is what LiveSplit says, 2:36:05 (2 second late split).

Norfolk, England

@houseparty420 i dont mean to be a dick but if the table was flipped and one of us did that would you change our time or get rid of the run i indeed think so you wouldnt hesitate but seeming as its your run its a different story come on mate even with a time of 2:36:05 your still the world record holder its not fair to post a fake time for your run so that no one can beat you also in the stream you say the rules should say "When you gain control of issac" i believe thats what you did but lets think about that the cutscene in the intro its 3-5 minutes long cut that out and youve got 2:31:05 or something longer that that but if you guys want to make fake times thats up to you ill continue to try and beat those times though but i will say this i dont respect liars and cheats for their own agendas GoodDay!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Florida, USA

@ROMaster2 - The time is from when you control isaac till when you stop. the video on pc is roughly 4mins52sec.

@SliceableEagle - - I never faked a time, i talked to the old WR holder who cheated and that's what he told me. Don't call me a cheater and liar because you dunno shit. I'm happy you're starting to run the game but you already know my time regardless. So until you get WR time then you can talk about it. My run time is utter shit.

Florida, USA

after scrolling over the video is even says the run time xD but it's off that 2 seconds like ROMaster2 said so it's 2 seconds better than that

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