Glitchless Category Removal
Glitchless Category Removal
Posted 2 months ago by

We have decided to completely remove the "Glitchless%" category.

All runs from the category have been moved to Any%.

The reason this category was first made was from a glitch/setup that spawned you to a place after the tutorial segment of the map. Since runs that did this were getting rejected, the category was made for runs that didn't use this.

Eventually, runs started starting when you reached summit 1, due to this "glitch."

Glitchless runs started when you reached the first flag.

As runs became more advanced, we learned a crucial tactic called speed boosts or corner boosts. We decided that they are not a glitch.

It seemed that the only point of the glitchless category was to make you have a more difficult time getting a speed boost into your run, and the category is completely useless, and aged very poorly.

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