100% Routing?
7 years ago

Hey guys! Just a firewatch fan who decided to speedrun and realized there's nothing in the 100% category. Is anyone routing it out right now? I want to start doing that (because it's world record whatever you do). Also anyone else interested in running it? It seems pretty boring to do a 1 man run with no competition. I guess after I route it, it won't be long before someone else optimizes it.


Im pretty sure Kevbot43 is routing it aswell. Seeing as hes current WR holder for any% that should give you some sweet competition :D

Alaska, USA

Hello, so I will not be running 100% because the game has lost its appeal to me. I'm thinking of moving on to another game very soon and dropping this one all together due to the lack of interest I have in shaving off those pesky 9 seconds in Any%. So If you do route and main 100% be sure to contact Troufiniou so you can get Mod on the firewatch page since we dont have any 100% mods.

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