A new category proposal
3 years ago

Why don’t you add a category for sprint and master? I know it’s only for Tetris effect connected but the point of those modes is speed.

JaydenPPT aiment ceci
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I'd rather avoid adding a sprint leaderboard as there are already in game leaderboards, however since each version has seperate leaderboards i may look into making a top 100 between all versions at some point. As far as master mode goes im not sure what i would do, as far as i remember the in game leaderboards dont track speed of completion and there are very few people who can full clear the mode.

Thanks for the feedback though, if you have any more ideas be sure to let me know

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I'd rather avoid adding a sprint leaderboard as there are already in game leaderboards, however since each version has seperate leaderboards i may look into making a top 100 between all versions at some point. As far as master mode goes im not sure what i would do, as far as i remember the in game leaderboards dont track speed of completion and there are very few people who can full clear the mode.

Thanks for the feedback though, if you have any more ideas be sure to let me know

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

uhh why did that double send lol

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Tetris Effect: Connected is switching to IGT!

Hello from the mod team! We've been considering this for a while, but now it's official: Journey mode speedruns will now be timed with In Game Time (IGT)!

Additionally, if you’re running on PC, we have created a LiveSplit autosplitter. This was made specifically to record IGT, and can be used

2 years ago
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