Alt Main Pokes in 3h 05m 50s by

After 20 months trying to get this out and not having the time, my PC malfunctioning or being away from my PC, I finally could practice some and get this one done. This was planned to be out back in December 2021, but my 2 IQ cells were in charge and decided a quick Ludicolo run could be done in 2-3 days and then get this one out. Instead it took like 12 days to get a semi-decent Ludicolo run out and had no time left for Shiftry. During these months I kept coming up with new strats, practicing and attempting to get this mon done, but unfortunately I kept having very bad RNG overall and no attempt made it to the end. This week I was finally able to get some time to practice, derust and finally get something I think is decent, although after 6 months without having played this game it's easy to tell I'm still a bit rusty.

Despite everything, this is as far as I go. I brainfarted several times, read notes in Lavaridge Gym instead of paying attention and died twice, but the viability of this mon ends up (sadly) being a bit too low for me to keep trying (since it can die anywhere), as it's literally a glass cannon with ok coverage. While the run's not perfect, this is as far as my love for Seedot goes.

Miscellaneous: It's likely possible to get a sub 20 Roxanne split. The only problem is it involves Harden + Bide on Nosepass (taking over 18 HP in two turns), as well as some crits for Calvin and Pooch 1.

Alt Main Pokes
Pokemon Used
Première place
3h 05m 50s
9 months ago
9 months ago
9 months ago