4 years ago
Alaska, USA

I know there's PC platform for this game but i emulated it on yuzu and i'm wondering if it becomes decent emulator, will it be accepted for runs?

South Holland, Netherlands

Considering the game is legally available on computer, I wouldn't know why you emulate a game other then not having to buy it. Considering this is an active ongoing game... I recommend you just buy it :) it's a wonderful game the devs did their best for, and it's not that expensive.

SaySurprise, Pear et 7 autres aime ceci
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Minor change to leaderboard timings

We've made a minor change to leaderboard times. To better support all players, regardless of platform, we are removing additional load times for Console players on categories that have mid-game loads (most notably: 100% and Reverse Area Order). Leaderboards have been updated to reflect this change

2 years ago
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