Looking to get a game added.
2 months ago
United States

I want to add the game Warriors: Kit to Leader on scratch (link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/78985318/) I think this would be a great game to Speedrun, as there could be like marriage% or kit% or things like that. I would add the game myself, but I created my account yesterday, and Im not on any social media platforms (unless you count scratch, but I don't think anyone will). I was wondering if someone else would be willing to suggest the game for me.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
United States

Note: use this link instead, as it has the full game unlike the scratch version. https://moss-shadow.itch.io/kit-to-leader

Edited by the author 2 months ago

People can't submit games on your behalf, only someone who has actually done a run can submit it. You'll just have to wait until your account is eligible. That said, at a glance I suspect this game wouldn't be added anyway.