What’s the deal with moderator waVey?
3 years ago
Ohio, USA

What’s the deal with waVey? I can’t tell if this guy is a rogue moderator protecting his friend, or y’all just really don’t care about verified world records. I was attempting to be more involved in the community but I feel it lacks integrity after his response to my legitimate concern with a few verified WR’s. Basically he just said rules use to be different. Which is fine, but that’s not stated anywhere. But he’s like, since I was questioning Dan’s video, he wasn’t going to address any of my other concerns. Is Dan the man or something? Whose Dan? Why is waVery so protective of him and so apathetic about legit verified WR?



Racoonix, Ivory and 5 others like this
New York, USA

Never heard of them. This is why you say what game you're talking about so we can say you should be in the forum for the game.

Ivory, Brakshow and 2 others like this

At first, we have people asking game specific questions in this forum like "Is sodium and lithium allowed?". And now people are posting stuff about drama/shit happening in a certain community. What do you people think we are? We're not problem solvers and ranting about this stuff "here" is just a huge waste of time.

Ivory, Sizzyl, and Walgrey like this

Every game @wAvey moderates has at least two other active moderators. If you have real reason to believe wAvey is going rogue, bring it to their attention and see if they agree with you.

That said, you're coming across a mite paranoid, so consider laying off the doobies.

Ivory, Brakshow and 8 others like this

Maybe instead of asking questions about a run to a moderator you could ask the runner themself.


I mod games with wavey and he's a really chill guy, if you have any issues with him though you can bring it to my dms or his, im intrigued ig ?

MinecraftGaming likes this
New York, USA

Dude, just message me again. I saw nothing wrong with dans video, and I was extremely busy with school so I didn’t want to waste time. I see no reason as to why you thought making a ting forum post was a good way to confront me about this. I still don’t even understand what I did wrong lmao

Ivory, Brakshow and 10 others like this
New York, USA

Y’all didn’t need to be brought into this, @d00biedude next time you get agitated with somebody on this website just message them again. Maybe they have a reason as to why they do the things they do <3

Ivory, Brakshow and 6 others like this