Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger9 months ago

Random thought: i think it is very strange that the B Type game mode has no run categories considering it is the only mode with an objective laid out by the game.

All current categories are arbitrary goals

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger1 year ago

It might discourage YOU from running the game. Some of us play for fun and self-improvement

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger1 year ago

There is no level restriction mentioned in the rules so I did my 300k points runs on level 18.

I would be interested in other level/point goals.

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger1 year ago

"Before your run appears on the leaderboard, it will be submitted for verification by our moderators. Run approval may take 1-3 weeks in some cases. You will be notified shortly."

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger2 years ago

You submitted the run with a modified layout and using GG codes.

Yes, a raw video might be in the description, but that should have been submitted instead of the video with a modified layout. That's not on the mods, that's on you.

Re:GG...When you start fixing memory values to what you want you are modifying the original game... i doubt you're gonna find many, if any, speedrun leaderboards that allow the use of GG codes because of this exact reason. There may be some special cases but they're probably not main categories(i.e. meme runs).

There may be another run that uses a GG code... the mods aren't infallible. We all make mistakes. Hell, that mod might not even be aware because they might be a speedrunner first and not heavily invested in the high score scene where this information is presumably more commonplace.

While I understand your frustration, the mods are TRUSTED members of the community that are VOLUNTEERS. They do a good job of keeping everyone honest on this board and they do it during their free time for no pay. Integrity is very important when it comes to leaderboards/record keeping... so if you can't follow the rules then your run will be rejected, sorry.

That said, I do hope you come back to do more speedruns! I love this game and love to see more runners putting times on the board :)

Razorflame les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger2 years ago

It's 2021, we have software that makes this a fairly easy task(it's just a lot of submissions to go through x.x).

Retiming every run would be a lot of time/work, but I would like to see at least the top X runs in categories retimed to include milliseconds.

My suggestion: Use Avidemux to retime top runs & have a cutoff time for retiming (e.g. sub-5:03 in SMB1)

TegaMech les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

These ads are out of hand. Done with you clowns until you fix this $%*#show

Valmerix y KomradeKontroll les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

The 100 lines and 300k points caregories aren't too long and provide a good measurement of players' skills.

A 10 lines speedrun would only last about 30 seconds or so. Assuming you would start timer on level select(like the other categories) this would not be a good run to improve your Tetris skills as it's far too short to get any quality time with the game.

theBassSpace les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Requesting to be added as a moderator for

The game has one mod at the moment. Mod has been offline for 3 weeks. I reached out to them a week ago to see if they would like help with the board, but have not received a reply on SRC or Twitch.

Board could use a couple more categories and mods.

Edit: mod has since logged in and verified a couple runs, but no reply to messages.

Lucha_Gym les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

To my knowledge, the Retron systems use RetroArch (which is expressly forbidden).

Someone please correct me if I am wrong here.

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

"Any%" category changed to "Warp 4" for more clarity/consistency within speedrunning. Generally speaking, any% runs require you to get to a game over/end screen or the game's credits. This run does not see the credits or any kind of game over/end screen.

Fastest route still seems to be playing all levels in order until world 4 is unlocked and skipping levels 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, and Warp 3.

Sioneus les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Suggested changes for better clarity...

Change Any% to 4-W% or Warp 4% (traditionally, Any% includes seeing the credits/game over screen which you don't do in this run but do in the All Levels category) with the following rules for better clarity.

Beat the final stage.

  • You must erase your save data upon beginning a new run.

  • The run begins when you select Play on the main menu.

  • The run ends when Level 4-W is beaten and "Level Complete" appears

All Levels

Beat all 36 Levels from the Galaxy Map.

  • Runs can be done on an existing save file.

  • You must start at Level 1 and make your way to 4-W.

  • The run begins when you select Play on the main menu.

  • The run ends when level 4-W says “Level Complete”

Sioneus les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Co-op is in the new game, Curse of the Moon 2

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Quick Google search brought me this post from Krikzz's forums.

It does not appear that you can adjust the DIP switches on an Everdrive

dlloyd10 les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Throwing in my 2 cents

I wouldn't be opposed to having some kind of "high score any dip switches" misc. category but i think the real high score should be done within the spirit of the competition from 30 years ago(i.e. 6:21 time limit)

I have no problem with any folks wanting more time to complete any%, and would say any DIP switch settings that give you 6:21 or more to do so would be fine and make the run more accessible.

Not sure if there is a way to mess with the DIP switches on Everdrive. I'll do some investigating.

dlloyd10 y ShesChardcore les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

I got 7.233 when timing the run in Avidemux

Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Sorry for acting like a dick. I care a lot about the speedrunning community, but should have cooled my head before posting.


Gradient41, Bro3256 y 4 otros les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

My proposed categories would include: SMB1 ◇ RR SMB1+RR SMB+RR+Tetris(at least 20 lines, it looks like yall have said 25 now) ◇ RR+Tetris(at least 50 lines, but I'm willing to bet 100 lines is definitely possible since levels increase every 5 lines instead of every 10) NWC High Score (all 3 games) ◇ RR+Tetris High Score

◇ = Select + B on controller to start on RR permitted

Krayzar, LeonD011 y 3 otros les gusta esto
Wisconsin, USAAriesFireTiger3 years ago

Respect is earned, not handed out for free.

Another, well-respected member of the NES speedrunning community tried to get this board made before and it was rejected...despite that person having much more experience and clear ideas for the categories.

Then we see this mess...

Then y'all ignored JSR_'s offer to help...JSR is another well-respected NES speedrunner that has plenty of experience, but ya ignored him


HeyIts_B_A_618 y dlloyd10 les gusta esto
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