Help with texture pop-in
1 year ago
United States

I understand this isn't a tech forum but, if any of yall with experience in this game and emulation could help, I could really use it.

I've recently been trying different emulators to try and get this game running and I've been having problems with entire models and textures blinking in and out of existence. When I watch others play the game, it looks great and there don't seem to be nearly as many things popping in and out.

Using DuckStation at the moment, hoping that all these advanced settings would help but, it's still really hard to look at.

Any and all help or deferments are appreciated! Thank you.

Super moderadorSolarson
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I'm not sure exactly how to help since I've only used DuckStation once and I didn't have any issues with textures. Most people play the PC or N64 EMU version which have no issues. But if you're determined to play the PS1 version w/ DuckStation then maybe someone could help you out on the Toy Story 2 Discord:

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
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