Zoolander % Category in extensions
3 years ago

Hi everyone, following the thread on the RE1 boards I want to get your attention into maybe creating an extension for RE3 for Zoolander %.

This is a run where like in the movie zoolander you are not allowed to turn left.

I did a run of this yesterday:

Other runners would follow this. You have to bind left to another key and obviously cannot use DIC because of left. You have to use left on the gas station puzzle and on the coggers to progress though.

What are your thoughts? In RE1 we need 3 runners to do the run to get the category. Would that also be possible here?

Hi guys. Any thoughts on this? In RE2 the category is already on the boards and in RE1 its also almost there. It would be cool to be able to do officially a trilogy run in zoolander %. :)

See: https://www.speedrun.com/re1/thread/6j8x4/1#7q1ax

and: https://www.speedrun.com/re2ce/thread/3sle1

United States

Personally I don't like it, looks pretty mehh for a speedrun like a challenge run in par with "beating the game pressing only aim, beating the game not running, beating the game danger only" etc etc not on a speedrun level to be beaten fast, that is my vote tho, I will ask the other mods.

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
Fairy_L les gusta esto

I think its a great idea, RE1 and RE2 Zoolander were great fun to do, so why not add in on here too? Would make sense to do so :)

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