ghost sharing
3 years ago
United States

after looking into the game's files, i have figured out where the save files are, including the location where the ghost replays are stored. because of this, i think wr ghosts could be shared for extra verification, or for other runners to race the ghost.

InfiniteToon les gusta esto

2 reasons why this would not be valid:

1: Ghosts in game are sped up slightly and are faster than the player could achieve with the same inputs.Therefore, it would be difficult to find out the actual time of the player rather than the ghost

2: It would be very easy to emulate and no way of telling if a run is faked or not

I might be wrong though and its all down to the mods anyway

I wouldnt say for verification but sharing the ghost for fun sounds pretty cool.

Liokardo y GySr2 les gusta esto
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