7 years ago
Florida, USA

Currently, there are several different timings for the final split:

Phase 2

  • Selecting "I'll live a happy life with Aurica/Misha"(Jiseed)
  • When the cursor for "Fin" appears(msty, Japanese timing)

Phase 3

  • When the game is saved after the credits(Branch)
  • When EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. begins(Jiseed)
  • When the cursor for "Fin" appears(msty, Japanese timing)

I propose using the Japanese timing, that way the final split is the same for every category and version. If you agree or disagree, please let me know.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Florida, USA

I'll retime it.


Thanks for Verified run.

I don't understand English well because I am a Japanese, I may not talk very much... sorry

  • Phantasmagoria Ending (Phase1) (Phase2) ("EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits) (selecting "Was this really the way it should bec?") (Phase3) |Jiseed| ("EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/."credits) (Epilogue) |RTA(Japan)|

("EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/."credits) + (Epilogue) = 8:14(Jiseed - English - with voice), 8:19(msty - Japanese - with voice)

  • Any%(Phase2) (Phase1) (Phase2) ("EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits) (selecting "I'll live a happy life with Aurica/Misha") |Jiseed| (Epilogue) |RTA(Japan)|

(Epilogue) = 1:29 (msty - Japanese - without voice)

During the epilogue, we wont move to the map just by pressing the X or O button, so we can use Jiseed timing. But sorry, either way we'll see "EXEC_SUSPEND/."credits.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Florida, USA

Hi, msty. Congrats on the record.

Alright, we'll use Jiseed timing.

msty les gusta esto
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Publicado 7 years ago
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