Go back to Kitless?
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Going to try and make this short as possible. I (and many others) find the Leapless category a stupid category, and felt like going back to Kitless, so I made a poll to see if everyone would like to go back to Kitless. Two things I want to say, don't vote "yes" if you are planning to get free wr's, because I'm going to replace the Leapless runs with old Kitless runs, and unoffical community-made category's can be a thing.

Also here's the link, http://www.strawpoll.me/11667943/r

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I say yes because tbh leapless is just dumb

United States

OMG It's that guy with all the leapless world record :OooOOO why you wanna removed urself!???!?

Ontario, Canada

I personally say make a separate category for it.

United States

That sounds almost as useless as Leapless


ikr wtf is wrong with me


Honestly tho maybe both leapless and kitless should remain, idk. Leapless is kinda eh but like what tiggz said, it takes time for shortcuts to be made so that leapless is faster than digger


Seriously I just got my 1st wr on leapless -.-.....

United States

I've been narking him for a while about removing Leapless. It was just now that he decided to make a poll (after he realized that the majority of our new "Parliament" agreed)

Ontario, Canada

Still, don't see the positives in swapping Leapless for Kitless. Leapless offers more of a variety of options to evolve the category further, until eventually, it will surpass Digger for the fastest times. Kitless completely limits the speedrunners to a digger assist & an emerald block glitch. Leapless does that & offers Disruptor abilities, or the quite neglected, double digger. Whether Kitless was/is a "Compromise" for things at the time, Leapless offers more options & the capability to take strats/times further than you could before with Kitless. Applying it in a game situation would be the only remotely difficult process compared to Kitless. However, that was difficult for the emerald block in Kitless, making hard leaps with Leaper or Disruptor, placing disruptors mid run in a limited time, etc...

My vote: Keep Leapless.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Paris_Labrador likes this

I fucking think you should just let disruptor no leap... instead of any of these shits


If you go back to kitless, at least allow no leap disruptor. This game is already dead af, we need new change not old change.

I agree with Tiggz on this one, we both evolved this kit and it was pretty good at the time. It started to get dumb when you allowed waiting. Personally I'm fine as long as we ban waiting because with warper you can't wait and for leapless you can.

That's my opinion

Edited by the author 7 years ago
tiggz16 likes this
Texas, USA

I feel a bit dumb for not first making a post to open discussion about it before the poll.

Texas, USA

So the poll has been equal (50/50) for a few days. So I'll keep Leapless, but remove a few features from it,

you cannot wait a few seconds then move and have the timer start (Timer should not start when you want it to).

Leaderboard timing? Add to the list if you want.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Texas, USA

The poll has ended, thank you to everyone who has voted.

Ontario, Canada

Super excited to see Dragon Escapes amazing history repeat itself. Especially with our gigantic & lively community.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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