RussiaKelnin20 days ago

Hello, does this leaderboard will support other mods like Median XL, PoD or Fury Within and Underworld, if i'll do runs in one of this mods?

RussiaKelnin1 month ago

Спасибо за подтверждение, я добавил отдельный параметр в ранах, ибо в теории раны с плохой концовкой могут быть быстрее. Например, можно специально терять жизни перед замком или на протяжении всей игры стараться не так часто бить нескольких противников. Правда насколько это все будет быстрее, вопрос открытый.

RussiaKelnin4 months ago

Nice, congratulations! It's nice to see world records on real hardware.

TheMightyGiantDad gefällt das.
RussiaKelnin5 months ago

Nice run! Final boss fight knockback abuse is a genius move.

I have a few to say:

  • You can skip dialogues by pressing start, saves some time, but you need to remember when you need to do it, otherwise you will be in main menu screen.

  • In theory, you can boost from every swinging chain like 14:52 on your video. But it happens rarely, seems like there is a very small frame window.

I glad, that Beg for Mercy leaderboard still lives, good luck at further runs.

Xemptful gefällt das.
RussiaKelnin10 months ago

Hello, fellow Hunters. Recently, i started speedrunning Steam version of Rise of the Triad (Dosbox-Daum). But while runs i had game crashes almost in every my attemps. Does this mean that Steam version is bad for speedrunning and did you had same issues? Thanks for a reply.

RussiaKelnin11 months ago

Done, thank you for this topic and for useful info about runs.

slippy318 gefällt das.
RussiaKelnin1 year ago

Hello, sorry for late reply. Where can i look about it, before removing his runs? I wanna read more about this case.

Thread: Paragraph 78
RussiaKelnin3 years ago

You are such a heroes with god level of patience! I tried to run P78 a long time ago, but dropped that idea with curses to this game due that unstableness.

Apapappa gefällt das.
RussiaKelnin3 years ago

I set different endings on same board, because i didn't found which exact requirements is needed to get a bad ending. My idea, that final battle rank decides, which ending will be, but i have no idea how it's works and i didn't found any info about that. And proably, process of getting a bad ending (dying, lol) could be slower, than fight with final boss. Falling into pit can be time consuming, because falling does not instakill you, just getting some amout of damage.

Thread: Devastation
RussiaKelnin4 years ago

Game gets glitched, because, casually, game starts with pack of weapon (knife and pistol), which gives to you after dialouge and game seems have some check about it. If you skipping that before getting weapons, you starting unarmed, even without bare hands. Restarting mission after dialogue allows you to skip that dialogue.

That question about where i allowed to restart a timer, from "New game" button only, or also can through "Restart mission". Because "Restrat mission" allows you skip a dialouge without "-1 glitch".

And the most importaint thing, i found that after post, so i writing about this now. Running speed is also depends on fps. FPS limitation makes your character slower, but makes barrel flying easier (because slower too). And, on my opinion, prevents glitch on "Rock" level, where you can be killed by screen shaking. So it's kinda tricky. Fastest way is change fps lock on a fly, but that's looks like cheating.

PS: I found your 55:50 PB on twitch. I have improves to your strats already, but this work still on progress, because i figured how to do barrel fly just a week ago and i gonna learn to do it properly.

Thread: Devastation
RussiaKelnin4 years ago

Hello everyone. I currently learning and routing Devastation run. While routing i found some tricks, which can be against the rules or fairness. So questions to mods is:

  1. Quicksave/quickload can skip dialogues, except two places: South Urbia and First level. Skipping dialogue in first level causes a bug, which makes game unbeatable "-1 glitch" (). But you can avoid this glitch by restarting a mission. Do you will allow to start a timer from mission restart or i'll need to restart whole game to restart a run?

  2. Barrel flying depends on frames per second. Game don't have native vertical synchronization, but when you have unlimited frames per second you are flying too fast. Do this trick will have any restriction in rules?

Thank you for answer.

RussiaKelnin5 years ago

Looks like which ending you'll get depens on how fast you'll beat the game (But i don't 100% sure). I wrote bad ending timer timings on rules.If you have more information about this, please write info on this topic.

Похоже, что концовка зависит от того, как быстро проходится игра (Но я не уверен об этом на 100%, я пробовал на различных сложностях, я не мог получить плохую концовку, если проходил быстро). Я написал как отсчитывать время при плохой концовке в правилах. Если у кого-нибудь имеется информация, от чего все-таки зависят концовки, напишите в этом топике, буду признателен (Гугл не особо помог).

RussiaKelnin5 years ago

Hi. I think all of these ways will be fine. You can choose, which platform you using while run submittion or write on a comment.

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

I put back a normal difficulty in leaderboard, so you can add your run. You should pm me earlier about it, because if you want do runs in normal difficulty, so why not? I really don't know, should i add this category (because supermoves are too overpowered) and i set only hard until some requests.

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

Run for verification? A moderator (GA3 runs, i am). You send me a broken youtube link, i will fix that. I've just realised, i can watch your run from your channel.

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

Do you mean race or co-op? If race, can do race with multitwitch. If co-op, unfortunately, i think it's impossible, because connection quality will be bad due high ping.

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

Get into speedruning not so hard, how it seems. Basically, you have game and timer. Game stars - timer starts, you beat a game - timer ends. And you need to record it somehow. If you need advice about a game, it all about practice and rules. If you need some technical advice, you need a timer (i using a LiveSplit) and record or streaming software. Record a game window with timer in live (which means without any video editing, except cutting moments before and after run). Personally, i streaming run on twitch and save a run as a clip. You can send twitch clip for verification, but would be nice to send twitch clip to youtube and send youtube clip, because twitch sometimes fails. After submiting a run, just wait or send personal message to moderator.

If you have more questions, fell free to ask.

Jubileus gefällt das.
RussiaKelnin6 years ago

In D2 7 characters and is too uncomfortoble to make separate catigories for every character. And in D2 leaderbord always will be Sorc/Assasin/Druid in first places and Barb at last places, but runners do characters categories (like normal Barb or hell Druid).

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

Do you mean other Golden Axe leaderboards? Actually, i don't know how leaderboards must be look perfectly. I watched how leaderboars was created in other Golden Axe games and characters are separated, because characters are too unique for one list. There is another question, should i remove a normal difficulty and set "hard" as standard speenrun difficulty? Because there is not so many diffirences between hard and normal difficulty, but "hard" is more intresting for challenge.

RussiaKelnin6 years ago

I run as panther, because i found a broken mechanics as him first. And i didn't do runs after, because personal reasons. But now i have free time for runs and i will try diffrent routes and chars.

Kelnin Informationen
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