Weapon Fairy Glitch Solved (Sort of)
7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

So I've pretty much figured out why the Weapon Fairy doesn't appear in the credits. I've explained it in detail in this video: So I'm not sure why exactly the Temple of Moonlight fairy sometimes doesn't count or if it's the only one this can happen to, but it's the only one I've seen so far. Probably tomorrow I'll start up a new playthrough and see what else contributes to this variable. I'm also going to see if I can't make a tracker for the variable so speedrunners can see if the fairy points are counting or not.

It's solved, the trigger for the counter incrementing is actually to touch a slightly more specific point / smaller hitbox (I think it's lemeza's hitbox intersecting with the centre of the fairy point) than is required to summon a fairy, so if you turn around or warp out after barely touching a point it won't count despite the animation and fairy being summoned. Also fairy points count towards this even when you have another fairy out.

Thanks a lot for finding the memory, that let me debug it.

New Jersey, USA

Awesome! Glad I could help. Wish I had checked the forum again before uploading another video about it lol. Probably also means I didn't need to go through the hair ripping frustration of trying to create a trainer with Cheat Engine, but oh well, I got to learn about the strange ways this game handles variables, and I can try to turn this thing into a full All Characters Checklist if I can be bothered to look through the memory addresses again.

New Jersey, USA

Are you okay with being credited in a video explaining all of this?

Well this is a hell of a delayed reply, I have no idea how to subscribe to threads here if it's even a function :P

Credit's fine, I've done quite a lot of research for this game now. As far as an all characters checklist goes, well... I kind of made an autosplitter so you may want to contribute to that if you have ideas.

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