Partial OoB Warp Map
Partial OoB Warp Map
Updated 5 years ago by sopha

I mapped out some of the out of bounds warps but stopped before I could finish them. I'm posting here what I have so far. I'm not sure if I'll ever come back to finish this.

Every arrow is a warp from one room to another, and I give what map-tile of the room you warp to. In the process of doing this, I noticed the destination of any warp is always to a tile that that has an entrance to it going in the direction you're warping. So if a room has two doors on the left and right, it never happens that you would warp to it from the bottom going up.

I changed the formatting conventions as I went through, so that the later ones I did tend to be more specific. Due to this, the formatting isn't completely consistent all the way through. The order I went through them was close to the order you would go through the castle as Juste regularly.

See the big guide under the heading "Out of Bounds" for different things you can do out of bounds to get different warp-sequences and other handy techniques.

Basic Key Every room has a label such as Cha5-B. In this case Cha means Chapel, 5 means the 5th room in the chapel, and B means it's in castle B. The destination of the warp also gives the tile of that room you warp to, such as Cha5(15)-B. In this case (15) means starting at the top-left and working down first by row and then by column, it is the 15th tile of that room. The room is 4x4 big, so it's 1 left of the bottom-right tile. I don't give the tile number when the room only has 1 tile.

The abbreviations for the areas are: Aqu = Aqueduct Cav = Luminous Cavern Cha = Chapel Clo = Clock Tower Ent = Entrance Mar = Marble Corridor Room = Room of Illusion Shr = Shrine of Apostates Ske = Skeleton Cave Sky = Sky Walkway Tre = Treasury Top = Top Floor Wai = Wailing Way

Many of the warps lead to screens where the music plays but nothing appears. These are marked as "HardLock". For big rooms I use blue lines at their sides to separate out their tiles more precisely. I sometimes use red lines to mark the walls in OoB areas, as in Cha5-B.

Besides the arrows going vertically and horizontally to exit a room, there are also diagonal arrows which are what you get if you exit the room diagonally. This is really precise to do, especially going up instead of divekicking.

The arrows going to boxes show possible warp-sequences.

More Detailed Stuff Later on for the destinations, I started to sometimes use IB, OoB, and IB/OoB. The room Top15-B has an arrow to Top4(1)-B-IB/OoB. This means that depending on how you make the warp, it could lead you to an out of bounds area, or to an inbounds area. If the destination shows just IB or just OoB, then it should lead you to that part of the room no matter how you make the warp. For the warp from Top15-B, this means that if you exit the room at some vertical height you warp to the Minotaur at the door, and at another vertical height you warp to the top-left corner, from which you can get moon physics.

The same part of Top15-B has an arrow leading to a box which shows different possible destinations depending on what you do from it. The different directions of the arrows tell what kind of warp to do to get that effect. These don't give all the possibilities, and they're inconsistent about what kinds of possibilities they do give. Sometimes they're based on Juste, sometimes on Maxim, and sometimes with different of Juste's abilities (though never floating boots, which would open up a lot.) But they should give an idea of what kinds of rooms you can tend to go to by that warp. Where the warp-sequence ends in them isn't always consistent either, but I think it usually ends when it comes to an OoB area or an IB area, outside of a wall. One warp-sequence from Sky3-A goes all the way to Tre26(2)-B-OoB, which is Maxim's sequence to get to Dracula, even though Juste can't do it and most of the warp sequences are based on Juste.

The warp-sequence from Top15-B has Cav9(3)-A crossed out and you get there by a diagonal down-left arrow from Cav6(1)-A. The diagonal down arrow is different from the regular down arrow from Cav6(1)-A going to Cav7(3)-A. If I was completely consistent, diagonal down-left should be moving off-screen both down and left at the same time, which is what the warp going up-left in the same room Top15-B means, but in this case it means you move down-left in that room instead. This is done by going up off the screen with a whip out near the top of your jump (so going slowly upwards) and then holding right during the transition. Cav9(3)-A being crossed out means that you can't exit in that room and you take another warp automatically, in this case Aqu2(3)-B. I don't think I was completely consistent with this though, so you might not be able to exit in all the rooms that aren't crossed out. Also see that Top9-B has that same warp-sequence as Top15-B, because they both lead to the same destination going the same way. These often get repeated, and you can see there's even a third one down in Top1-B, which is the warp-sequence to get moon physics. The regular way to get moon physics is to take the warp-sequence through the room Cav7(1)-A to Aqu11(4)-B, and the one going to Aqu2(3)-B is a variation.

An early version of a warp-sequence is in Ent3-A. There's a box with a bar separating two rooms, and the one in Ent9-A it separates 4 rooms. Imagine these so that the arrows goes to one of the rooms and there are arrows going from it to the others in some way. Ent12-A has a box separating "Right side" and "Left side", one of which is out of bounds and the other is inbounds. In this case depending on the horizontal part you exit upwards, you will end up in one or the other. This left/right side depending on where you exit is a common thing. Ent2-A has an arrow to a box above Ent3-A. This means that you warp to Ent3-A already above the room so that you automatically take the warp going up from it, which is Ent7(1)-B. This doesn't really need to be said on the map if you know how the warps work.

Maps (how to embed?)
