Movement Tech Breakdown, Speedrunning Tech, & Notes
6 years ago
Virginia, USA

So I just got done fiddling w/ the trilogy's Movement Tech and Wowie are there some differences, as ItsASquid pointed out.

I was curious what everyones opinions on the new fastest tech was. I would like to state before hand that I am no expert at speedrunning these games.

Crash 1: The most striking difference to me so far was Zig-Zagging seems to be slower now, w/ Mask 3 getting a massive boost. I spent an hour on Boulders and I was more likely to get crushed by the boulder when i zig-zagged (not that Im any good at it, so obviously there could be that).

And then theres the new momentum system. Crash Has No Jump Momentum any more, and he cant slide so I'm at a lost for the fastest speed other then just running and jumping w/ Mask Form, though jumping on a box or enemy seems to significantly slow crash down.

Oh and the spin system. Doesn't even hold charges anymore, it just spins w/ pauses in between.

I have yet to succeed at pulling of either a Sub-Jump or TNT Spin Jump, though I'm pretty confident the latter was removed from all three games.

Grate Gate: Oh and the turtle skip at the end of this level is much harder now, and Impossible on 100%. The turtle can now be crushed under the spike log, and unfortunately, that is the default cycle after you complete the bonus round, which has mandatory boxes on it to my understanding.

  • Havent Played Further Then Boulders -

Crash 2: So again the momentum system comes into play. NSS rip. The Spin now carries only the momentum of the directional input and not the slide.

I did a lot of testing on Hang Eight and I am convinced that Slide Jumping is the fastest form of movement in the game, and you can still glitched high jump by throwing in a spin for extra hight to clear some of those tougher gaps.

Snow Go: Red gem was moved higher so no more skipping this that I can tell, however, the GHJ w/ Body Slam tech still does work, though the ceiling is also lower now.

  • Havent Played Past Warp 1 -

Crash 3: Again, Momentum Strikes Back! NSJ is dead. See above for why. However, unlike in Crash 2 where slide jump was fastest, I was able to move significantly faster by slide spinning in this game. The Jump seems to just eat momentum period, though in some cases it is faster since it leads into the GHJ, which is fairly easy to do now.

You can no longer skip any cutscenes by changing the volumes of SFX or Music, etc.

Oh and is it just me or does Pura move WAAAAAAY Faster Now?

  • Haven't played past Warp 1 -

Other tech I haven't been able to pull off or haven't got to testing yet, so other comments are more than welcome to compare notes. And don't forget, I'm bad, so test these for yourself always.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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