New Categories
2 years ago

From this point officially, CoD 1 and UO runs will be splitted in NG and NG+. NG means that no fadeskipping at all is allowed, NG+ category allows it. Fadeskipping is a strat that involves loading a prepared-before-run save using loadgame_restart command or Restart Level button in the game menu. This allows to manipulate NPCs RNG and starting weapons. Fadeskips stay as a very controversial strat, decision might not be final, who knows?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Klooger, SerenityJayne and 2 others like this

Feel free to write here about this decision!

SuperFull and BOZAK_115 like this

I have an idea about the medium difficulty levels? We have any% (easy) and veteran% (veteran). What about medium and hard. Рядовой и сложный

BOZAK_115 likes this

@alex2007 I'll add them if someone does a run on that difficulties

BOZAK_115 likes this

UPD: as of 26/12/2021 NG and NG+ are made from sub-category into a variable as a compromise decision and keeping the board's integrity


Does something like noHit run is interesting ? That would be a huge achievement


I can try this! But I think I will sometimes make pauses, cause have no time)


noHIT is just like no damage?


Yes, not taking damage. I've tried for like 3 hours, and i've successfully done the first four level in glitchless + no oob + veteran + no hit. but the fith level seems really harder. I think the game can be done in no hit, but obviously, that won't be a run that will be done in a week. I'll soon post a record on veteran no oob, then after this i'll try the no hit run.

Of course by no hit I mean, if you take a hit, you restart the game from the beginng :)

Good luck :)

Edited by the author 6 months ago
United States

No hits are more of challenge runs and arent really accepted on leaderboards anywhere, (see dark souls no hit/ 1 shot bosses as examples.) So if someone were to accomplish this it wouldn't be added onto the boards, just a flex they can post and people can see.


Ok i see, there's no time so not really a speedrun. Well thanks for this precision

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Level: Pathfinder
Level: V-2 Rocket Site
Level: Camp Toccoa
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