New to the run, looking for a place to start
6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

I will most likely be running Any% without any major glitches, maybe all A-sides depending on what I feel like running. But I saw a few things in part of a speedrun (a 32:XX run) and I feel like I need a crash course in basic techniques for this game. Just a good beginners guide on things I will need from beginning to end in a run. As well as any huge skips in levels that I will need to know.

I havn't finished the game for a casual runthrough, so please avoid spoilers as far as story things go. Help is appreciated ^_^

United States

Advanced movement tutorial by Oddbod:

Goes over all the tech runners use to go fast.

Speedrun tutorial playlist by Benteezy (8-part tutorial):

Goes through most of the basic strats (and some advanced ones) used by runners screen-by-screen in each level.

But I definitely would recommend finishing your casual playthrough before even looking at these or any other speedruns....but you do you. Have fun and best of luck!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Tomygood, ObedG45, and blueYOSHI like this
South Carolina, USA

TY! i will probably look at the movement stuff juat for my curiosity, but thebscreen by screen will definately be for later.

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