Ground takedown cancels for pc?
2 years ago
Belfast, Northern Ireland

is there anyway to do ground takedown cancels without a controller?

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Yeh I tried everything in that video but still Doesn't seem to work, I can do dive roll cancels however but not takedown cancels


If you can do dive roll cancels, the binds are working and you just suck. You've asked about this before and I told you the same thing. Idk what else to tell you

Also, when you ask for help, lead with your actual situation instead of broadly asking about the topic so that people don't waste their time telling you things you already know.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Autosplitter Update

Due to oversights on my part, there were two points where the autosplitter was supposed to split, but wouldn't:

  • After performing Church Skip (Bell Tower Skip was fine)
  • In Glitchless w/Cat after the processing center fight

These have both been corrected, apologies for the inconvenience. Plea

1 year ago
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