New Update New Categories
New Update New Categories
Posted 1 year ago by

We have updated the categories that changes "Release" to "Release 1.0.0" as a new patch that significantly changes the runs.

Ground Zero is the current live update of the game/default.

Release 1.0.0 speedrun starts exactly the same as Pre-Release as same per usual.

Ground Zero now uses the Speedrun Timer that is implemented by Alien Removal Division, if a bug occurs (time stopping),then we the moderators will retime it to properly fix the runs time manually, in the case you don't use the speedrun timer implemented by the game we can retime it to properly match the same times but will take time to verify.

Good luck runners!

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Game Rules Update & Discussion about Bonewald

Hey there Exterminators!

Some runs has been identified to have covered certain elements of the game but still followed the main game rules, I made some changes in the main rules due to some runs covering up certain elements of the game that could lead to some questionable verification's, I added

1 year ago