موضوع: Tiger Road
BOSSCAT20 days ago

Oh, default settings must be used. Ok, I'll do another run with the JP version with the default set and submit.

manticor5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Tiger Road
BOSSCAT20 days ago

Hi @manticor5! My bad hahaha. I see it now. I'll submit my run now.

موضوع: Tiger Road
BOSSCAT20 days ago

Hi @Aquas ! May I request a 1 Loop% Category? Also, thank you so much for the tips. This game is super fun but hard ahahaha

موضوع: Fighting Vipers
BOSSCAT21 days ago

Moving forward. only NTSC (American and Japanese) versions will be allowed for submission because they are the 60hz standard. PAL 50hz is not allowed on LBs.

موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT22 days ago

Apologies, I will not post here again. I will continue talking and working with SRC site mods to resolve the issue. Maybe it would be best to lock this thread then?

موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT22 days ago

Also since this CLOUT CHASING ZICKE TROLL aka @MrWeakwill aka Gaming, Games, and More wants to make everything public, we have decided to ban his runs from the LBs since he has harassed all of us. He tried to lie and cover this up on his pathetic YouTube channel and call us "childish moderators" when he is the only one acting like a disrespectful 50-year old manchild.

تم الحذف
, buddyyellek و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Tekken 7
BOSSCAT23 days ago

I'll put this here too. I will never again verify your runs since you have been harassing me and other Tekken/Street Fighter mods and other mods.

موضوع: Tekken 8
BOSSCAT23 days ago

Just a note: I am not verifying anything this troll @MrWeakwill submits. He has harrassed me and other Street Fighter/Tekken mods. I have already reported him for falsely accusing me of cheating. Four moderators have already checked my runs and found nothing was wrong with them. I have already reported him to both SF mods and SRC mods.

موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

Nobody cares what you think. I'm not asking you to do anything but leave me and the other mods alone. Responding and reporting you on multiple sites has really been a waste of my time and energy. Goodbye zicke troll.

تم الحذف
, MasterSystemMarceau, و Walgrey تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

60 hz is the standard/accepted on LBs so I will re-write and clarify rules to make this the standard.

I have explained the situation to YouTube and they suggested I file a copyright report, which I did. Your empty threats and false allegations are null and void. Now leave me alone zicke troll. If you say or do anything else that is disrespectful, I will look into suing you for defemation/slander/harassment/copyright infingement.

تم الحذف
, buddyyellek, و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

I honestly don't care what you have to say/your opinion is zicke troll. Leave me alone.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

Also, funny you mentioned my father. He is the one that taught me some German and told me to relay that message to you. Begone zicke.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

I just explained its not an attempt for "revenge". And, no you did not "catch" me doing anything. My runs are legit. I have reported this to SRC mods too. Yes, I said what I needed to say to you in private and in public. I realized now you're nothing but a bully and clout chasing troll.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

Also, I have now rejected MrWeakWill Fighting Vipers run because it is recommended that PAL60 hz is used. PAL50 is not accepted on other LBs so I took that into much consideration after doing more research. PAL60 hz is closer to the NTSC versions. https://randomisedgaming.tumblr.com/post/146372446412/the-complete-european-sega-saturn-60hz-guide-to I am now only replying to this thread in order to document everything.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
غير معروف
BOSSCAT23 days ago

For PAL users, it is recommended PAL60 hz is used since it is closer to NTSC versions. I noticed this is required for Tekken runs to be approved so I think its worth impletmenting here. For PAL hz comparisons, check out this video: https://randomisedgaming.tumblr.com/post/146372446412/the-complete-european-sega-saturn-60hz-guide-to.

موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

I also just submitted a report on YouTube for copyright violation because MrWeakWill used my Twitch footage WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT23 days ago

The mods have reviewed my runs and found nothing wrong with them. I have never cheated or faked any of my runs. And now @MrWeakwill you are once again trying to downplay/disrespect/discredit my abilities and belittle me because I was able to do something you can't. And now you want to "prove" you're "better" than me by trying beating my records to try and prove your point. Your accusations and "analysis" videos have no basis and no weight to them. I also do not appreciate that you have used my footage without my permission, which I have also reported to SRC. This is why I now honestly think you are a clout chaser.

I think you are trying to "sell your channel" as you stated in your rejected run T8 thread to get views and you are causing unncessary drama for attention. I will ask you again publicly to leave me alone about my runs and to stop harassing other mods over you're rejected Tekken runs or any other runs moving forward. I do not want to interact with you ever again. .

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT24 days ago

He was NOT trying to help me or "meant well" by anything. I beat his time in Fighting Vipers yesterday. Then all of a sudden he calls me out for being an American/"Yanks" girl/woman then threaten to beat my records in other fighting games if I did not redo my blindfolded run today. He also offered to "teach" me how to play Tekken. LMFAO.

AlphaNerd و MasterSystemMarceau تُحب هذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
BOSSCAT24 days ago

I have already talked to the other Street Fighter mods. MrWeakWill has been harrassing me and other Street Fighter/Tekken mods over his rejected Tekken runs. And now this. The Street Fighter mods have told me they did not have a problem with my blindfold runs and to block him and don't interact with him, which I have. I have also reported him to SRC site mods.

موضوع: Martial Champion
BOSSCAT24 days ago

Thank you for sharing and for your submissions! @ThatPunk_

ThatPunk_ المعجبون بهذا
نبذة عن BOSSCAT
Team member of Anime Speedrun Festival, GDQ'S Frame Fatales, Lady Arcaders, and RTA in Japan. Legendary Speedrunner. 伝説のRTA走者
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1 year ago
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