Upon discussion with l1ndblum during a stream, he suggested my full practice run of Abe's Oddysee NMG Any% Run in the lead up to last year's Oddysee Open would be suitable for submission as a speedrun.
Granted, he did note that the bathroom break at 58 minutes would count towards the run time - thus extending the full run length by 2 minutes 22 seconds compared to the in game timer - and I'm totally cool with that.
Figured it was my current PB, so it's still worth submitting.
Moderation Note:
IGT was not used, so submission's In-Game Time will be the same as RTA.
The timer was paused for 2m31s at Scrabania, changing the final time from 1:57:32.400 to 2:00:03.400
Grammar has been updated on several rules for better understanding. Formatting has also been updated for better readability. Some of the changes are duplicated from the Exoddus' rules update from 23/08/2023.
- (Removed) ~~The sole exception t