Left Hand Only Category
2 months ago

It has been proven that you can beat ADGAC while only grabbing with your left hand. We should have a category for it so that the most daring folks in the community can have a crack at it. The skill ceiling for the game is already high, and it would be cool to see how consistent and fast people can become with only the left hand being used for grabbing.

kekprod, CAKEC0DER and 3 others like this
United States

Can you link any examples? I would like to see that but can't find anything.

A video will be made hopefully at some point but for now it's just my word. Multiple other people can back me up on it though as we all investigated it ourselves.

AggressiveCombo likes this
Florida, USA

can confirm, have seen the progress and it actually looks like a sick run

hungryhyena78 likes this