Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

Hey man, I was just agreeing with you. Chill

This isn't going anywhere, elite just message me or Jukspa on twitter/discord

Havi likes this
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

Yep, real shame there's nobody else around

p1xelfart and Havi like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

@Wolexi Doesn't stop the threads on from popping up ;^)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Deln and 2 others like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

[quote] Also I love how you say your busy, but everytime we do this, your active as hell man 24/7. [/quote]

tfw post 3 times in 24 hours between work and sleep and you're active as hell

[quote]Yep, keep think my video is roasting/insulting you go ahead.[/quote]

You called me a fucking asshole? But I guess you backed that up with facts and proof so it's not an insult :D

[quote]I debunked/proved that all of your bs is wrong, and now none of the bandwagon are liking your guys posts. They have became neutral. (which they should because it's nothing to do with them but just Call of Duty Community)[/quote]

Speedrunning drama gets boring within a few hours my dude, nobody is reading this anymore

[quote] Well those 8/8 are probably not in the community because less than 6 do active runs in discord and the others don't have discord. [/quote]

This wasn't even a good b8 m8 :(

[quote]Why didn't you say anything about if you are willing to be series mod or not? We all in the community know what you would truely say, but you are holding back.[/quote]

Sure trapped me in a corner here, my only choice is to

[quote] Thats fucking lie and you know it. if my advanced warfare stream was still up, I would of proven that via chat reply.. YOU COMMENTED ON MY STREAM ABOUT THE N-WORD INCIDENT JOKING AROUND ABOUT IT, THEN YOU GOT OVER 8 PEOPLE ON MY STREAM AS SOON AS TOLD MY SIDE OF THE STORY, and when I finished... ALL OF YOU LEFT. You fucking lying man. Don't say you never watched my stream, someone has it saved, and if they uploaded that to Youtube, your ass would be proved to lie for what the 5th time now? [/quote]

Got you covered family

havi messaged me about how I was in your chat the other day (heres a screenshot since you like proof with everything xd) tfw your name is Lo1ts with an s not a z tfw you avoid racingmonster and you can't escape him tfw a meme account talks to him on his stream and he thinks its you tfw Don't forget to follow @Gocnak on twitter for updates on ghosting mod

Had a blast, see you guys in 6 months for another exciting episode of "Lo1ts is a shit mod pls remove"

YUMmy_Bacon5, Brapchu and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

lol I posted after saying I wasn't gonna post again epic. (quotes are too hard)

[quote]Both of you and Lo1ts reasons for "not wanting to waste time with me" all are merit-less and made-up.[/quote]

Because having a pissing contest in the mod thread when I could be enjoying my free time doing LITERALLY anything else is "merit-less" and "made-up." When you're right you're right

[quote] You do know that's irrelavent now because Lo1ts and I resolved it and pretty the entire community on SRCom, (they just trolled me) and I already said that to all the people in the cod community when they question my post with that, they understood, and that was that. You don't need to try to start something up that's been resolved bud. , so no shock value added to your post, nice try, It was meant as a joke manner (and unless you can't detect sarcasm, grow up) and EVERYONE i talked to about INCLUDING Lo1ts understood is was mistake I didn't mean to make (somehow I see someone saying im lying about this, but since when me and lo1ts discussed it in chat on a livestream, my views skyrocketed and im sure someone recorded it and left after I was done talking about it. [/quote]

I don't talk to you, let alone watch your stream

[quote​] You just said that I made him look bad as a person, not a mod. PROVED my point you are undeniably bias. This is NOT personal but professional. [/quote]

We're playing video games on the internet? Didn't know this was literally another day in the office. Guess I better shape up before the boss gets here

[quote​] You both just hate I am the only one in the community that has to be the one to ask/ "complain" about them. [/quote]

I just don't like you, not because of you asking questions/complaining. I just don't like YOU. Okay?

[quote​] Which by the way, I asked for me "complaining" from you and you proved nothing. [/quote]

We'll keep going with me needing to provide stuff and you just needing to type up really long posts and calling it good enough ;^)

[quote​] So you are saying I am dick but never met me. [/quote]

tfw you're "mister lolts" and a "fucking asshole" and have never met :( BTW thought i'd help you out. For the followup video its like "exploits" without the "exp" not "lolts"

[quote​] Oh also anyone thinking I have all the cod community hating me, nah. I asked them like I stated about removing lo1ts in my original post and all 4/5 people agreed as I said. So only two that have this hatred is these two kids here. Havi and Lo1ts.[/quote]

It's a shame that everyone here knows you well enough to trust you and everything you say but to defend myself I'd have to have screenshots from chats for the last few months to prove I'm around, have my twitter, steam, discord and twitch linked to my SRC account and just choose to not talk in our discord because you're in it and I don't talk to you because [quote​] I just don't like you [/quote]

Also I don't wanna rat anyone out but I asked 8/8 of my closest cod speedrunning friends and they ALL said I was doing a good job. So I think we're getting conflicting results from our surveys =/

[quote] and oh he probably will stay mod even with clear abuse of his job. [/quote]


[quote​] Also I have people that said they want to intervene, but I said not to because I can hold my ground, but you and havi are aiding Lo1ts because he has nothing to say about my reasons. [/quote]

That right there deserves a very nice, but still firm

Dude, Nice

See me on the playground kiddo, I'm done here

YUMmy_Bacon5, the_hat and 3 others like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

This is a waste of my time so I thought I'd just respond to the stuff that annoyed me the most and as always, let everyone just judge accordingly. (also I'm not gonna use quotes ;^))

Lo1ts never replied because he has nothing. Proves my points exactly.

-I work full time buddy, sorry I didn't respond as fast as you would have liked

7 - No it's not. Clearly he\s a ghost mod, and the funny thing is now he\s talking on discord after posting this. He literally is on damage control now.

->damage control

guess talking about how an imgur link with my name on it is gay furry porn is "damage control" nowadays, gonna keep that in mind for the next thread. Also I stopped posting in the discord once you joined because since you can't seem to grasp this concept yet. I don't want to interact with you

But Lo1ts, I'm not even gonna attempt to "bury the hachet" with you a 3rd time. It's your move this time, you can handle this privately with me like a real leader would or continue to try to push away from it and have me come back to this thread 3 months later dude. Like I said, I confronted YOU about it, and you acted childish about it and didn't want to talk lol.

-Clearly blocking you on numerous platforms didn't send the message home so I'll just put it out here so you can check back for next time. I don't want to "bury the hatchet" I don't want to "#HashItOut" I want to never interact with you again. Okay? Cool, gonna wait for the admin response now.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Havi like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts7 years ago

So last time, it was because I was because I was busy with real life and couldn't get to stuff so you posted and tried to get me removed and yourself added. Now Havi is here verifying runs quickly and dealing with stuff with no complaints about it and now I should be removed because I'm not the ones verifying runs? If it means that much to you I can ask him to not verify some runs every once in awhile because he gets to them so much faster than me. But you'd start to complain about how long things are taking to get verified again so I don't think that would work.

Your entire post is saying that everything is being taken care of and I should just be removed because you don't like me and have personal issues with me for some reason, you even made a fucking video because I wouldn't voice chat with you (link because wew boy ) if you HONESTLY think I would want to talk to you after our primary interaction has been you saying i shouldn't be a mod and don't know anything and bitching at me to verify runs you're actually crazy.

So in short, I'm done interacting with you because you act like a child every step of the way, and you have no complaints about how the series is being moderated besides "Lo1ts isn't hitting the verify run button, someone else is doing it"

Also it's gonna get old if you do this every 6 months. Find something else to do

YUMmy_Bacon5, the_hat and 16 others like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts8 years ago

@kirkq yeah, if klooger and phantom can be removed as moderators of the cod series that would be good, neither have been online in over 2 months and even before that as far as I know didn't really do any verification so we don't exactly need them listed.

Thanks for the response.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Jonoabbo like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts8 years ago

I truly don't want to be the only moderator, it's just that most of the people who speedrun games in the call of duty series tend to submit runs for 2-3 weeks and and disappear. So choosing people to become moderators is hard.

I don't really have anything else to say besides I'm more than open to having other people as moderator. Just not Racingmonster.

Admin's can settle this. I've said my peace

YUMmy_Bacon5, Jonoabbo, and Havi like this
thread: The Site
Ohio, USALo1ts8 years ago

Alright, so I figured I should weigh in a few things for Racingmonster.

1st thing, yes Klooger and Phantom are inactive and should be removed, I've been meaning to post about it

2nd thing, sorry I only run 2 call of duties. Clearly I haven't played the other cod's and can't be trusted to verify them

3rd thing, yes I haven't replied to forum posts because, I don't read the forums. If someone would like to contact me for something about moderation they can contact me through twitch, twitter or discord.

4th thing, yes games have not been updated to show that they are now on PS4 and xbox one.

5th thing, you were a series mod and I don't know who removed them. It was definitely the right choice

6th thing, Jukspa used to moderate the entire game series and I can't blame him for not wanting to anymore. There are 30-40 IL's coming in all the time and it's a lot to go through and with people constantly bugging you about them, I can sure see why someone wouldn't want to do it.

7th thing, congrats on running so many call of duties

8th thing, I have ignored you because you are incredibly toxic, you would message me every time a run would take more than a day to get verified and would constantly talk shit about other speedrunners in the cod community. I don't need this and honestly having you be a moderator would be awful. (still my favorite interaction with you tbh. )

Also, just so we're clear "I was told today by a runner he messaged Lo1ts about verifying his run for Call of Duty 1, Lo1ts has said when he has time he will. I know he is on daily, and is regularly available to check a run that is 3-5 minutes long." If you think someone having a job and other hobbies is that big of an issue I think you need to take a step back and relax.

xHaviiHx, the first bit of communication you gave me was this so I'm sorry if I don't feel comfortable just giving you moderation power after seeing that. And I was being incredibly sarcastic about liking being a solo moderator, sorry if it wasn't obvious or came off as power hungry or something.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Jonoabbo and 4 others like this
thread: Call of Duty
Ohio, USALo1ts8 years ago

If you are interested in joining the Call of Duty Discord Server, make sure to click this link!

About Lo1ts
9 years ago
4 years ago
Games run
Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Last run 8 years ago
TimeSplitters 2
TimeSplitters 2
Last run 8 years ago
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2
Last run 8 years ago
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Last run 8 years ago
James Bond 007: Nightfire
James Bond 007: Nightfire
Last run 10 years ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Last run 9 years ago
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: World at War
Last run 8 years ago
Project M
Project M
Last run 8 years ago
Games followed
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2
Last visit 4 years ago
Games moderated
James Bond 007: Nightfire
James Bond 007: Nightfire
Last action 8 years ago