Version Launcher
4 years ago
United States

Since the link to the version launcher I made got lost in the Discord, I decided to post it here. Simply place the JAR in a folder with the versions, or set the versions path. Requires Java 8 or newer. Supports all of the common versions.

Latest Release: GitHub Repository:

Edited by the author 4 years ago
North Carolina, USA

You should submit this to the resources section with a small tutorial.

And also, good job!

United States

Ahh, I had no idea normal users could submit tools.

United States

i saw this i don't understand how to use this version chooser?

Overijssel, Netherlands

where is the versions folder lmfao

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Minor rule changes/clarifications

Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):

  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
4 months ago
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