Submit run question
3 years ago

So, i want to submit a run but my friends asked me to tag their profiles into the run but i don't really know how to do that. the question is ¿how can i put their speedrun profiles into the run?

Chicago, IL, USA

i kinda dont understand. but in l4d2 coop speedruns. it'll ask the players names. and when you type their names on their. it'll add it to the runs list saying, you and your friends did the run. i dont know about profiles. just ask your friends names on for it and it should work

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Correct, as long as the submission name for the player matches their SRC name - it will link their profiles for you.

Nictus likes this

Thx guys!

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Hey everyone, some minor changes to the rules - solely to clarify things/change wording, no rules actually "changed" (at least not in any way that will be relevant to 99.9% of people):

  • The linked guide for demo recording is now in a new location on the internet ( 👀 ) and was reworked to hope
4 months ago
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