Iowa, USAAsylix6 years ago

Hey I thought I would dabble in this for a while but i'm having serious problems downgrading as there is ZERO infromation out there about how to do it. I tried the obvious "replace the files and run the executable" but that launches the game, throws a bunch of errors about files being to large, and then closes the game. I noticed alot had to do with the DLc so I tried deleting the DLC ESM's but that tells me I don't have ANY ESM's active now despite havin the basic ESM for morrowind still there.

The OLD thread said something about a CD but I can't find an ISO anywhere to save my life. I use Windows 10, because the malware finally overcame my ability to say no, and I really don't want to have to give up, so if someone can help me please do, I would really appreciate it.

benang: Fallout 4
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

That is the stupidest god damn argument I have ever seen. Your comparing a 30-minute section of a game, with MULTIPLE SPLITS in between, and plenty of places for time to be lost, with an 8 minute, what is basically half auto-scroller, and half jumping over a fence?

This is seriously the most ridiculous god damn shit I have ever fucking seen, you are all making me feel sick to my god damn stomach. I came here because the community was relaxed because we played the game and had fun. The ACTIVE COMMUNITY makes a decision that we all agree upon, and two people who COMPLETELY FUCKING STOPPED PLAYING THE GAME COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND BLOW IT OUT OF THE FUCKING WATER.

This is fucking ridiculous, I had so much respect for you two and you've just thrown that all away now, completely ruined this game for me because I'll always associate it with this fucking TEMPER TANTRUM that you guys are throwing over something that doesn't' even fucking AFFECT you, you don't play the game anymore! You've moved on to different games. If you were AT ALL SERIOUS about ANY of this you would have put in your two cents from the get go, but now you're all bent up over it? What, is the prospect of someone POSSIBLY bopping you because of a rule change that intimidating? Are you that upset over something so god damn arbitrary? Jesus christ guys your completely missing the point of all of this.

I'm out of here, it's been fun but I'm not about to be surrounded by the drama of something that was decided and done with just to be drug out of the ditch like a dead deer because people just can't live with something changing for the better.

Velocikitty menyukai ini
benang: Poi
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Hello everybody. With the full release less than a month away for this wonderful little gem, i'm working through getting routing together and working with the Dev's to make sure some things that are in the game that we can use stay in that don't break the game casually. Things like little early glitches and stuff that you have to go out of your way for but saves a few seconds over doing it normally.

I'm working on notes, videos, everything, and should have it set up and ready to be added to our guides and resources come time for the release.

I know you guys don't know me, but that's just because I haven't uploaded a run, because i'm not happy with my time just yet, but I mainly do all story medallions, may branch into all medallions but with the newest update there's so freaking many and some of them are a bit tricky like the 100 coins for the mini worlds.. jeeze their annoying.

Anyway, i'll start pushing that through whenever I get it done, routing for Story Missions is almost complete as far as a guide goes, and then i'll be doing a video guide for newer players.

Silquetoast, Vulpine dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

I'm trying to learn how to run this game beacuse well.. it's a fun game.. and the run looks fun as well.. but I'm having problems figuring out the jump roll.. it seems no matter how fast I press the buttons it never happns.. Jump before roll, roll before jump, both at the same time.. just doesn't get me. I even tried limiting my FPS to figure out how soon I had to do it but.. nope.. didn't help.

All i'm asking is help on the rotation for it, like do I hit jump before roll and roll my finger into it, or do I roll before I jump and roll my finger like that? I know it's not an easy trick but i really wanna learn it

benang: Speedrunning
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Fallout 4, Bastion, Jet Set Radio, they are all fairly short, not alot of mashing impact, save for a bit of mashing in Fallout 4 but it's trivial mashing.. you can just alternate to buttons at basically any speed and it works.. but yeah.. their fun easy and replayable..

Tidak diketahui
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

It's so that people who just want to run for the lulz can still run, but those of us who want to be competitive and go for WR have the advantage still by being able to do the intro and shave off like 5 seconds.. it basically just comes down to making the game less boring for memeing

Tidak diketahui
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

The rules for timers have, and always will be, up to the games community, usually among the top competitors on the leaderboards, or through a majority vote.

For example, in my game Fallout 4, right now we're going through the process of deciding an alternate start time. Most people can get to the point of gaining control of your character at a certain point within 7:30 or so, we're exploring the option of allowing you to start at this point with an 8 minute start time, so that those of us that run the start still have an advantage, but people who want to get into the game non-competitively, still have an option to get past the boring BS and start off having fun.

The community decides, for the most part though, games base timers off of when you gain control of the game proper. Some say start when you gain control of the character, some say start when you are able to control what happens and where you go (I.E. say.. Undertale, where the timer starts when you press start game)

In the end, it's a matter of mass appeal over anything else.

Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

You link your twitch channel to your profile and it automatically puts you in the streams list when you go live on twitch. Doesn't work on youtube as far as I know, unless a site admin corrects me assume it only works for twitch.tv.

muraa dan DHutch menyukai ini
benang: Undertale
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Hey there folks. I'm wanting to get into doing TPE runs for Undertale and i tried to switch back to the old version, and now, for some reason, it doesn't want to run at all. It says it's running never opens them immediately closes itself without ever popping open. I've tried verifying game cache but I simply cannot run on old version.

Now, I've looked around, and saw that doing the Linux version and keeping on the current build is the new meta for it, and i'm assuming that will fix my problem, most likely. But in the event it doesn't i'm posting this here.

Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

If you want to u se auto reconnect it's somethign you just have to deal with, you can't disable it without turning off the auto-reconnect

Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Right click the volume icon down at the bottom right of windows when you have OBS Open, go to Volume Mixer and find OBS, then click to mute it. Alternatively you can disable auto-reconnect in your options.

benang: Speedrunning
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Make sure Global Hotkey's is turned on

DHutch menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Game: Fallout 4 Category: any% EST Run Time: 1h 30m 00s Current WR: 49m 12s by Bubblesdelfuego Current PB: 1h 9m 36s PB Video:


Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Category: any% EST Run Time: 1h 00m 00s Current WR: 33m 06s by Sexual_Tyrannasaurus Current PB: 51m 45s PB Video:

benang: Fallout 4
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

I heavily considered it.. but in the end, it was too late, and the twister of fate had left

Tidak diketahui
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

I submitted for Fallout 4, since I can't make it to the actual event I want to do what I can to make the event happen!

benang: Fallout 4
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Double Barrel Vortex, beware the new strats

Dalet menyukai ini
benang: Fallout 4
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Nevermind, I somehow managed to fix it now, still not certain HOW, but it's working.. I am.. very confused...

benang: Fallout 4
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

I was attempting a run earlier, and when coversliding from Museum, I landed someplace I wasn't suppose to and the game crashed. I tried to launch the game again and the save corrupted, so I deleted it and started over.

When I reset the timer however, for some reason, now, no matter WHAT i do, even redownloading Livesplit, Fallout 4 appears to have a broken Load Remover, and thus can't record IGT. I don't know what i've done, or how to fix it, but any help would be really appreciated..

benang: Speedrunning
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

Oh so I can't view it as transparent myself.. that's too bad.. was hoping to have it somewhere on my screen but not block half my freaking vision >.<

As for the problems with my splits, this is a fallout 4 only problme with them, Skyrim, oblivion, morrowind, all working fine.. it's just Fallout 4 that's broken..

benang: Speedrunning
Iowa, USAAsylix7 years ago

I have been saving splits but for some reason this morning livesplit just broke I don't know why, maybe my cat jumped on my keyboard and did some stuff because my computer was off when I woke up.

As for the background I guess I should of said that better, I meant I want a clear background, sort of like how Bubblesdelfuego has it in most of his vids. I stream when I run and I want to have it on the same monitor as my game so that I can easily check it without having to shift my sight to much (Because Marrowind and Oblivion make you go SUPER FAST the whole time) and i've looked around and tried playing around with stuff but I can never get it to go clear, it's always got a black background.

Tentang Asylix
7 years ago
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