PS181 year ago

So i was messing around in KS trying to get a nice run when i came across abunch of glitches

  1. Homing Kunai Not much of a glitch but as you can see in my most recent run it is GODLY. It travels double the distance of a regular kunai and can pretty much skip entire levels

  2. Kunai Riding If you throw a homing kunai, teleport to it, then throw a regular kunai at an angle while looking at the ground you can stand on the kunai. Allows you to setup for good shots

  3. Kunai Acceleration Not sure how this one works, got it the same way by throwing a kunai after a homing and you go flying in the direction you threw the kunai

  4. Out of bounds If you throuw a Kunai at a wall and keep throwing it you can clip out of bounds. Useful on tomb

  5. Double Kunai Kinda touched on this one but if you throw a homing kunai you can throw a regular instantly after you teleport to it

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