misc. categories
8 years ago

Does anyone want more categories for this game? Imho I can't think of any one missing that would deserve to be a main category or even a misc. category as it stands now. Maybe move the misc. ones to main and use misc. for more arbitrary ones?

One I've seen requested often is Second Quest, although I personally see no point in this category as it is almost identical to any%. Warpless Second Quest may be different enough. Or Both Quests Any%/Warpless All-Stars as it is a continuous playthrough where you get to keep your power-ups and a slightly different ending, similiar to Lost Levels D-4 runs. But as it stands now, nobody has run these or expressed interest in running them.

Then darbian wants small only warpless. I'm not opposed to this as long as it stays misc.

I wouldn't be against adding glitchless or 1 warp and would personally run them, but I won't demand them, if others are against them.

Then the only other categories with some activity on SRL/PBTracker are All Coin Heavens, 500 Coins and partial categories like beat 4-4 warpless. I don't see a point in tracking these.

And to make it clear: I'm not pushing for any change, I set up the categories the way they are now. I'm asking what other runners think.


Nope, leaderboards are fine as they are for me. The current miscs needs more attention anyway

Portland, OR, USA

Not a big fan of just a warpless run of 2nd quest by itself, but Both Quests Warpless is a good run. I think part of the point of 2nd quest is that you have to beat 1st quest to get to it. It's your "reward." It only has been RTAed in modern times by myself, that I know of, but it was raced several times. I consider this the true full completion of the game. Fast 1-2 in 2nd quest is fun.

Definitely would like to see ILs in 2nd quest added.

I can't imagine anyone considering "Any% 2nd Quest" as a run. You would just menu warp to 8-1 after doing any%, then world 8 is the same as before.

Love the idea of the All Stars smb1 both quests warpless run. I had also thought about an All Quests Warpless run of SMAS (Mario 1 BQW, Lost Levels D-4 Warpless, Mario 2 All Characters Warpless, Mario 3 BQW). The ultimate long run.

All Coin Heavens is ofc something I made up for fun times. Nick and I had a back & forth for awhile. Probably was raced at some point. The funny thing about ACH is that you don't have to do anything in order, and it uses soft resets. The best way to do ACH is to go for the warp to 5-1 first. The record requires 1st try zip. ACH Warpless is a slightly better run. Neither need to be tracked, lol.

1 Warp is a good category and has good precedent in terms of other Mario games. Would be fun to see it run and tracked.

Small Mario Only as a category is pointless in this game in my opinion, as it has been the preferred method of running warpless itself for many players. This is clearly a dupe. SMB3 and SMW, on the other hand...

500 coins was a lol category for a 1 off race. It does have precedent with nintendo themselves, however, as 50 coins was the first Mario race, performed by a bunch of kids at the Nintendo World Championships, and that goal is found on the infamous NWC cartridges. 500 coins was extremely fun to route, I think Kosmic and Nick both helped. Death abuses were attempted in 1-2 (it has a ton of coins so you get 1ups and can farm). Can't even remember what optimal route was. As far as I know there aren't 1000 coins in 1st quest, but whatever is fairly close to max coins with a reasonable amount of coins from coin blocks would be fun.

Glitchless seems a bit pointless, I suppose. The Twin Galaxies rule-set would be used, I know, but just seems bad mostly.

California, USA

Hey, I also helped with 500 coins at one point! OpieOP

(Though the route has improved a lot since then.)

If we could point to an example of the current "optimal" route, maybe some people will try it out. :D

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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