GB Difficulty
3 years ago

I just wanted to know if I'm allowed to continue to run on very hard.

When i first started running this game, the rules stated that we have to run on very hard, but the rules have changed since then and now the default difficulty is required.

Do i have to run on normal or is it ok if I keep playing on very hard?

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Yeah I changed the rules from the person from before so default.

Tricheur likes this

Alright, thanks for clearing that up!

Tennessee, USA

Does it make the runs I've already submitted invalid? I too ran this game on V.Hard.... >.>


With fighting game boards it's typically more like a minimum difficulty threshold rather than a strict requirment of any one specific difficulty unless the board mods go out of their way to specify (usually done to single out hardest difficulty as it's own challenge category) but since that wasn't done here you should be fine.

There are a small amount of niche cases with some games where higher difficulty means easier predictibility and therefore abuse of AI maniplation but usually it's too much risk for too little reward when compared to easier difficulties so there's typically no need to invalidate a run that's losing time due to harder AI.

Just thought I'd add my two cents to it but yeah, not sure which one the mods want - seems like they can either mandate default, use default as a minimum threshold or make V.Hard into a sub-category tab.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Slevanas likes this
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

@H20Happydude no any and all current runs are valid still. Just that instead default setting difficulty would be used. If anything it makes PBs more likely to happen now. Default settings are usually the standard for games.

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