1-1 Impossible?
2 years ago
United States

On the first level in the game I can't find out how to do it. The only way I can push the box is into the lava and when I push it into the lava it sinks and I fall in the lava. Am I stupid or is the 1st level impossible?

grntsz and LordParoah like this
United States

Also the website that's linked doesn't work

grntsz and LordParoah like this

Hi, the website is working normally for me, also for 1-1 try to wait a bit after putting the box in the lava, for me the 1-1 works normal

grntsz likes this
United States

Oh the game only loads on mobile

grntsz and LordParoah like this
North Carolina, USA

11 months late but i figured it out: it's refresh rate, doesnt work on 144hz but does work on 60hz. probably the single weirdest thing i've seen refresh rate fuck with