Game crashing
29 days ago

Hello, I am speedrunning my first game at the moment. Everything has been planned, tested, and now only one proper run is missing. I saw that only non-splitted runs are allowed. So one in one go. My game probably will take around 4.5 hrs. I just ran this game and had 50% done and then... game crash. Is it allowed to pause the Livesplit tool, reload game, and continue from autosave and later stitch those two recordings. Or is it just bad luck and fingers crossed this won't happen next time. I guess recording AND playing was too much for my machine. maybe. I wanted to stream it, but my Wifi turns off and on giving me half an hour parts via twitch, so I wanted to switch to recording. Could anyone enlighten me, please, whats legit and valid and whats not wanted to be seen?


Every game has its own rules and standards regarding video proof. Generally though, you can continue the run, but you need to keep the recording going even when the game crashes, stitching together multiple recordings is frowned upon at best and would not be accepted in most cases. Pausing the timer is usually not allowed in games timed with real-time (more specifically, if you do pause the timer the mods will likely just ignore it and use the real length of the run from start to finish including the crash).

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Thanks a lot for the answer; then I will do the following - if the game crashes again I will pause, but keep on recording, then continue on save load. As I cannot foresee when it does crash, I will just use a cut version for an inofficial speedrun on utube, and one official for, taking the video length as runtime... I am fine with that.